Su título lo dice todo: la página "Tema y Logotipo" le permite gestionar de manera eficiente los temas de su tienda, y aquí es donde debe dirigirse si desea actualizar el logotipo de su tienda para adapatarlo a su negocio.
Su tema actual
La primera sección de la página sirve como recordatorio de cuál es el tema que está utilizando actualmente, con sus detalles:
- Nombre y versión del tema.
- Nombre del autor del tema.
- Miniatura para el tema.
Esta sección también le da acceso a un puñado de herramientas, que le ayudarán a personalizar rápidamente el tema actual: logotipo de la cabecera, logotipo facturas y email, favicon, el icono de la tienda, e incluso el separador para la barra de navegación pueden modificarse fácilmente desde aquí.
Configurar los diseños de página
Dependiendo de las opciones de su tema, puede personalizar el tipo de diseño de página: si debe tener columnas o no, cuántas, con diferentes tamaños, etc.
Al hacer clic en "Elegir diseño", verá una nueva página con todos los tipos de páginas disponibles en su sitio (categoría, producto, carrito, ...). Para cada página, puede cambiar el diseño predeterminado.
Para el tema predeterminado de PrestaShop, "Classic", las opciones disponibles son:
- Ancho total - sin columnas laterales, ideal para páginas libres de distracciones como páginas de productos.
- Tres Columnas - Una columna central grande y dos columnas laterales.
- Dos Columnas, columna izquierda pequeña - Dos columnas con una pequeña columna izquierda.
- Dos Columnas, columna derecha pequeña - Dos columnas con una columna derecha pequeña.
Haga clic en "Guardar" para guardar sus cambios.
En caso de que desee revertir sus modificaciones y volver a la configuración predeterminada, simplemente haga clic en el botón "Restablecer valores predeterminados" en la página "Tema y Logotipo".
Cambiar el logotipo de su tienda es a menudo uno de los primeros pasos que hay que realizar al personalizar su tienda. Puede cambiar el logotipo principal de su tienda, pero no sólo, gracias a estas tres pestañas diferentes:
- Header logo. The logo that will appear on all the pages of your shop.
- Invoice & email logos. The logos that will respectively appear in your shop's email notifications, and its invoices.
- Icons. Your shop's favicon. This is the small image displayed at the left of the web browser's address bar and on the browser's tabs.
The default theme uses a "Classic" logo and PrestaShop's own logo as a favicon. It is strongly recommended to change all of the instances of these logos and use yours instead!
In multistore mode, you can apply these changes to all your stores or to a group of stores at one time, using the multistore menu.
Just below the logo section, on the right, the "Visit the theme catalog" opens a new page to the PrestaShop Addons marketplace, where you can find more themes.
Select a theme for your "[name]" shop
This section is only displayed if you have at least two themes installed. It presents you with the other available themes on your PrestaShop installation beside the already-enabled one.
This section simply shows the thumbnails of the available themes, with their names.
Move your mouse cursor over the thumbnail to display a menu with two options:
- Use this theme. This will replace your current theme with this theme.
- Delete this theme. This will delete this theme's files from your web server.
In multistore mode, you cannot apply a theme to all your stores or a group of stores; you must select a single store in the multistore menu, then pick a theme.
Adding a theme
You can import a theme and install it (and its attached modules) thanks to the "Add new theme" button. By clicking it, a new screen will open.
This screen presents you with 3 methods to install a new theme. A final button leads you to the theme creation form, presented in the next section.
Whatever the method, the process remains the same: indicate the location of the theme's Zip archive, then click "Save". The only thing that changes is the source of the Zip file:
- Import from your computer. Use the file explorer to find the archive.
- Import from the web. Indicate the direct public URL to the archive.
- Import from FTP. Using your FTP client, upload the archive in the following folder:
Click "Save" to validate your choice: the theme is now installed.
Click "Save" one last time. A final confirmation page presents you with all the changes applied to your PrestaShop installation. Click "Finish" to end the process.
Exporting a theme
This section is only available when there is at least one theme installed on your PrestaShop site.
Exporting a theme is very useful when you want either to back the theme up for safety, and create an archive of the theme for a friend or in order to make it available on the Addons marketplace ( Not only does it generate a complete Zip archive of your theme, but it also adds the custom modules that your theme requires, which is very useful both when uploading to Addons, and when importing to another PrestaShop site.
The export option works only for the current theme. Click "Export current theme" to export the theme used by your shop.
Your theme will be compressed in a .zip file and the confirmation message will tell you where to find it in your theme folder. Save the archive on your hard-drive to be safe.
From there on, you can easily share this theme, and if it is your own creation, you can start selling it on PrestaShop's Addons marketplace at
Live from PrestaShop Addons!
If you are looking for a new theme, PrestaShop Addons is where you should go! Thanks to this section, you can browse through most popular themes to get inspired. If you wish to see more themes, click "Discover all of the themes" to be directed to the full selection of PrestaShop themes, as available on our official marketplace, PrestaShop Addons.
By clicking "Discover" for a given theme, a new page from PrestaShop Addons will open, with more details are this specific theme.
You can also use the search bar at the bottom of the page to find the theme that best suits your store.
Parent / Child Theme
This is a feature introduced with PrestaShop 1.7 and it is only useful if you want to slightly modify a theme (to add a block for example), but still make sure you can update it easily. Indeed, if you modify a theme directly in its folder, the risk is that when the theme is updated, your changes could be incompatible with the update.
Thanks to the child theme, you are able to customize the parent theme and at the same time, you can benefit from its updates.
Using a child theme can be a bit technical. To see how you can use a child theme in details, please refer the developer documentation:
Creating a child theme
First, you need to have the theme you want to use as a parent in your store /themes
Then you can create a new folder with a very minimal theme, containing only the following files, which you can copy directly from the Parent theme:
Once you have this, you will specify in your child theme theme.yml
which theme should be used as a parent (in the example below, we chose PrestaShop's default theme, Classic). The value must be the theme technical name (ie: the theme folder name).
Add the following information the theme.yml
You can now use this theme in your back office and edit it as you wish.
Are you creating themes so good that other merchants could pay money for it? You can sell it on Addons, PrestaShop's official theme & module marketplace: