The head part is very important in term of SEO and performances.

Have look at Starter Theme and Classic head part to see real life examples.


PrestaShop 1.7 changed the way asset works and it means the way to it’s added inside the <head> tag of your page changed a bit too.

There are 2 important files to use:

There 2 files are used to take full advantage of the new features of 1.7, like async loading for JavaScript or automatic inlining for CSS.

If you’re using Starter Theme (which I encourage you to do) there is nothing to do, it works out of the box.

The _partials/javascript.tpl has to be included at the bottom of your page as well.

{block name='stylesheets'}
  {include file="_partials/stylesheets.tpl" stylesheets=$stylesheets}

{block name='javascript_head'}
  {include file="_partials/javascript.tpl" javascript=$javascript.head vars=$js_custom_vars}

Those 2 sub-templates are very simple, they loop and print each provided assets.


A lot of meta and SEO information belong here, there is a special block for it so template which extend this layout can easily redefine the page title or description.

{block name='head_seo'}

  <title>{block name='head_seo_title'}{$page.meta.title}{/block}</title>
  <meta name="description" content="{block name='head_seo_description'}{$page.meta.description}{/block}">
  <meta name="keywords" content="{block name='head_seo_keywords'}{$page.meta.keywords}{/block}">

  {if $page.meta.robots !== 'index'}
    <meta name="robots" content="{$page.meta.robots}">

  {if $page.canonical}
    <link rel="canonical" href="{$page.canonical}">
