Esta pestaña presenta una tabla que muestra el stock de tus productos, permitiéndote realizar búsquedas de tus productos mediante diferentes opciones y filtros, y la posibilidad de editar directamente las cantidades de stock disponibles de tus productos.

Una tabla te permite tener una visión global del stock de productos de tu catálogo de un simple vistazo.

Cada línea representa un producto (ya sea estándar, virtual o en forma de pack) o una de sus combinaciones. La única diferencia es que los atributos de cada combinación se muestran justo debajo del nombre del producto.

La tabla contiene las siguientes columnas:


A partir de la versión, PrestaShop introduce tres diferentes conceptos de stock, que son diferentes a los presentados en la Gestión Avanzada de Stock en las versiones 1.6.
  • Stock físico representa la cantidad que realmente tienes físicamente en tu almacén. Puedes añadir o eliminar stock físico, por ejemplo, al recibir un pedido de suministro o al realizar un ajuste de inventario.

  • Stock reservado representa la cantidad de productos que actualmente se encuentran en un pedido de cliente en trámite que todavía no se ha enviado. En otras palabras, estos productos se encuentran físicamente en su almacén, pero ya no están disponibles para su venta. No puedes cambiar directamente el stock reservado. El stock reservado solamente depende de los pedidos de los clientes.

  • Stock disponible es la cantidad disponible para la venta. A diferencia de la Gestión Avanzada de Stock en las versiones 1.6, no puedes modificar directamente el stock disponible, a no ser que cambies el stock físico también. Esta es la cantidad mostrada en la página "Product" page.

At any time, these 3 notions of stock are linked by the following equation:

Physical stock - Reserved stock = Available stock

Editing the physical stock will also affect the available stock, and vice-versa.


By default, products are sorted by decreasing product_id, meaning that the most recently created product will be on top. If there are more than 100 products and combinations, then the table is paginated.

Edition of quantities

Quantities can be modified directly in the "Stock" tab, with the input field located in the end-right column of the stock overview table.

Simple edition

To edit a single product's stock, simply enter the desired quantity change in the input field. What you’re typing in this input is a quantity delta, meaning it’s not the desired final stock value but the quantity you’re adding or removing. You can either type in the quantity to add or to remove (with a minus sign), or use the up and down arrows to adjust the quantity.

To validate the new stock, simply click on the blue "Check" button inside the input field, or use the "Apply new quantities" button at the top of the stock overview table.

While editing the quantity, you’ll see an overview of the resulting final stock:

This feature is here to help you see at the same time the starting point, the end point and the difference between those before validating. Remember that since physical and available stock are always linked by the equation showed earlier, you'll edit both at the same time.

Multiple edition

If you want to edit multiple quantities at the same time, you can also edit the quantities of several products and then validate it all with the “apply new quantity” button.

Search and filter options

At the top of the tab, you’ll find two features to quickly look for any product. The search bar is designed for use-cases where you know which product you’re looking for because you either have in mind its reference, name or supplier. While the advanced filters allow you to browse more options to fine-tune your search.

Search bar

The search bar looks for:

Advanced filters

In the ‘Stock’ tab, advanced filters contain:


This new stock management system is compatible with multi-store. For obvious reasons, if you have multiple shops inside a group where stocks are not shared, you cannot manage your stock in “all shops” or “group” context. If you try to do so, you might see the following error message:

Instead you have to select a shop in which you can work to edit its stock.

If you’re using a group of shops that share the same quantities, you’ll also have to select a unique shop context instead of a group but any change you make in a shop will also affect the other shops.