Design tips

Thinking ahead

Before opening PhotoShop, GIMP or any other graphic editor, you should sit at a desk with a pen and a sheet paper, and think of the your shop's sitemap, making it as flexible as possible (not all shops have the same amount of categories, or of products per category).

A complete PrestaShop them requires at least 10 pages:

Please do take all these into account, so as to not forget any of them.

Once you feel good about your sitemap, make a few sketches of the interface, in order to get a feel of where the various elements will be placed: new products, promotions, pictures, text, etc.). Also, include the important details, such as the various mentions on the product's page: on sale, promotion, new product, stricken price...).

Of course, these are just general tips; some professional might prefer to do it all directly in PhotoShop, then jump right into PHP, HTML and CSS.

Technical recommendations

In order to ensure that you can easily share your creation with others (designer, integrators, client), we advise you to save them as a PhotoShop file (RGB, 75 dpi, non-flattened).

You should work with the 980px width resolution in mind.

Layer arrangement

You can use several methods, depending on your preferences:


Do not use the CMYK color model, as it is only adapted to printing. Always use the RVB color model.


Do not use atypical font! Keep it readable at all times!

N’utilisez pas de polices exotiques, pensez fonctionnel !

Pour du texte standard (type titre, sous-titre, texte courant, etc. …) limitez-vous aux polices suivantes afin que tous les visiteurs de votre site puissent voir la même chose, de même trop de polices dans une même page peut vite devenir illisible.

Times News Roman