Managing Categories

Las categorías son esenciales, ya que le permite agrupar productos equivalentes. Esto ayuda a los clientes a navegar fácilmente a través de su catálogo de productos, y restringir su búsqueda a un tipo específico de producto. Las categorías también facilita a sus clientes el que puedan comparar los productos de su catálogo (gracias a la función de comparación de productos de PrestaShop).

Debe crear una nueva categoría en el momento en que tenga al menos dos productos con atributos o características equivalentes. Los productos dentro de una misma categoría deben ser comparables, e incluso intercambiables. Mantenga esta idea al añadir nuevos productos y al crear nuevas categorías.

Puede optar por no crear ninguna categoría, y tener todos los productos agrupado dentro de una sola categoría global, denominada "Inicio". Pero entonces los clientes no tendrán la posibilidad de comparar productos.

También puede determinar que no está interesado en la función de comparación, y prefiere crear sus categorías libremente. En ese caso, debe desactivar la herramienta de comparación: diríjase a la página de preferencias de productos, y establezca a 0 la opción "Comparación de productos".

When creating a product category, you should focus on one thing: the products in this category must be comparable through their attributes (not their features). This is not only useful for your customers, but it is also a necessity for PrestaShop's product-comparison feature.

Categories are managed in the "Categories" page of the "Catalog" menu. This page displays a table with the currently existing categories, with the main information displayed.
In order to display sub-categories, click on the parent category or select "View" in the action menu.

Using the icon in the "Displayed" column of the table, you can indicate the ones you want hidden from the customer by clicking on the green check-mark icon, thus turning it into a red "x" mark.

All the categories are actually sub-categories of the "Home" category.
To edit the "Home" category (or any currently selected category), click on the "Edit" button in the button bar when the table displays the root categories.

To create a new category (or a sub-category of an existing category), click on the "Add New" button from any level of categories.

Make sure to translate each field in every language that your shop supports. In order to do that, click on the language button next to the field, and choose the language in which you wish to edit the text.

First of all, you must enter a set of general information:

Once you have finished configuring your category, save it, and you are ready to fill it with products.

Navigating and editing categories

The "Edit" button in the button bar enables you to edit the parent category of the currently-displayed sub-categories. This means that when you are viewing the main sub-categories, clicking the "Edit" button will enable you to edit the "Home" category.

You can click on any category in the table: this will open that category, and display all of its sub-categories. In effect, this will change the context of the interface: clicking the "Edit" button will edit the current parent category, and clicking the "Add new" button will open the category creation form with the "Parents category" option set to the current parent category.

Importing and exporting categories

Besides the "Add new" and the "Edit" buttons, the list's button bar also features three buttons:

More import options are available in the "CSV Import" page of the "Advanced parameters" menu.

Adding products to a category

In order to add a product in a category, you must open the product configuration page and go to its "Association" tab on the left. This is where you can set the categories to which the product belongs.

The "Home" category is a special category, where you can highlight/promote products from any other category by making them appear in the "Featured products" bloc. By default, you can only display 8 products in the homepage.

The "Featured products" block depends on the "Featured products on the homepage" module. If you want more (or less) products on the homepage, configure this module (from the "Modules" page in the "Modules" menu).

Note: you do not have to remove a product from its original category in order to put it on the homepage. A product can have as many categories as needed.