Advertising & Marketing

AddShoppers Social Sharing Buttons

This module requires the cURL PHP extension enabled.

This module adds social sharing buttons to your site that help your products get shared more, along with detailed analytics that reveal the ROI of social sharing.

You must have an AddShoppers account in order to use this module. You can create one directly within the module.

Once you have an account, you can connect to the service through the module, and follow the instructions.

Block Advertising

It will display on the front office of your shop an image of your choice, with a link to any URL. Clicking on "Configure" you can load an image, or indicate the image's URL, and set the target URL. Validate and the image will appear to your visitors.

Customer follow-up

This module enables you to create e-mail alerts for your customers. It gives you a way to automatically send discount vouchers to some of your customers.

For example, you may want to send vouchers to those who have abandoned their shopping carts, or to those who you want to thank for their order, to the best clients to thank them for their purchases and for being faithful...

Enable this module, then click "Configure". You may choose among four kinds of e-mails alerts.

Customer referral program

You shop can use your current customers to win new customers with a customer referral system. Install this module then click "Configure".

Here is a description of each field:

Once the setup is complete, click the "Update settings" button.

To fully explain how the referral program works, you can write a description in the "Referral Program Rules." Once the conditions are completed, click the "Update text" button.

When your customers register and want to view the benefits they can reap from this program, they must go to the "Referral" section of their account. A new screen will appear.

Your customer can then enter the name and email address of the person he wishes to refer to your site. After he clicks "Confirm," the persons he entered will receive an email.

In "Pending Friends", the referral tool displays to the customer which of his referrals did not make a purchase after the email was sent. They may choose to resend an email by selecting the name and clicking "Refer my friends". Friends will then receive an email inviting them to register and submit an order.

The last tab in "my referrals", named "Friends I have sponsored", enables customers to see who among those to whom they sent a referral message, did accept the invitation and ordered an item on the shop. When registering, the referees must indicate the email address of the person who referred them, so that they in turn may benefit from the discount.

Google AdSense (gadsense)

Google AdSense is Google's contextual advertising solution.

This module enables you to easily integrate Google AdSense script into your shop.

You need to have a Google AdSense account in order to use this module. Once you have one, all you have to do is to add your AdSense script code into the text-field.

This module can also be a quick way to add any script to your front-end's HTML header code.