
PrestaShop 1.5 has Helper classes, which enable you to generate standard HTML elements for the back-office as well as for module configuration pages.

Several types of helper

There are 5 types of helper classes, all inheriting from the Help parent class:

Their templates

The helpers use Smarty templates which are found in the following folder: admin/themes/default/template/helpers/name_of_the_helper/

Each template can be overloaded.


An AdminController can overload any help template, simply by creating a .tpl file of the same name in the folder named admin/themes/default/controllers/name_of_the_controller/helpers/name_of_the_helper/

If possible, it should extend the parent template, not just replace it. Smarty 3 allows for inheritance by declaring {bloc name=""} tags. A child template can overload a parent block by open a block of the same name.

Template inheritance example: adding a new type of field in a form

For the sake of this example, let's change the edition for for the client's addresses. We want a field that would display the name and e-mail of the client, if these are known, or an e-mail input field otherwise.

We must create a new template: /admin-dev/themes/default/template/controllers/addresses/helpers/form/form.tpl

This template will contain the following code:

{extends file="helpers/form/form.tpl"}
{block name="field"}
    {if $input.type == 'text_customer'}
        {if isset($customer)}

We first declare the template's parent, then we can overload its field block. That block contains the field display. Our code checks the field type: