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Hooks in PrestaShop 1.5
Hooks in PrestaShop 1.5 have a new naming scheme, with a situation specific prefix:
- action. These hooks are triggered by specific events that take place in PrestaShop.
- display. These hooks result in something being displayed, either in the front-end or the back-end.
This way, you will know right away what type of hook you are dealing with. Older hooks have been renamed to match this scheme.
The following lists were automatically generated by a script. Hook descriptions appear as they are in the PrestaShop database, and can sometimes be missing.
New hooks
Hook name | Hook description |
actionAdminMetaControllerUpdate_optionsBefore |
actionAdminMetaSave | After save configuration in AdminMeta |
actionAttributeDelete | On deleting attribute feature value |
actionAttributeGroupDelete | On deleting attribute group |
actionAttributeGroupSave | On saving attribute group |
actionAttributePostProcess | On post-process in admin feature value |
actionAttributeSave | On saving attribute feature value |
actionAuthentication |
actionBeforeAuthentication | Before authentication |
actionCarrierProcess |
actionCarrierUpdate | This hook is called when a carrier is updated |
actionCartSave |
actionCategoryAdd |
actionCategoryDelete |
actionCategoryUpdate |
actionCustomerAccountAdd | Called when new customer create account successfuled |
actionFeatureDelete | On deleting attribute feature |
actionFeatureSave | On saving attribute feature |
actionFeatureValueDelete | On deleting attribute feature value |
actionFeatureValueSave | On saving attribute feature value |
actionHtaccessCreate | After htaccess creation |
actionObjectCategoryDeleteAfter |
actionObjectCategoryUpdateAfter |
actionObjectCmsDeleteAfter |
actionObjectCmsUpdateAfter |
actionObjectManufacturerDeleteAfter |
actionObjectManufacturerUpdateAfter |
actionObjectProductDeleteAfter |
actionObjectProductUpdateAfter |
actionObjectSupplierDeleteAfter |
actionObjectSupplierUpdateAfter |
actionOrderDetail | To set the follow-up in smarty when order detail is called |
actionOrderReturn |
actionOrderSlipAdd | Called when a quantity of one product change in an order. |
actionOrderStatusPostUpdate |
actionOrderStatusUpdate | Launch modules when the order's status of an order change. |
actionPaymentCCAdd | Payment CC added |
actionPaymentConfirmation |
actionProductAdd |
actionProductAttributeDelete |
actionProductAttributeUpdate |
actionProductCancel | This hook is called when you cancel a product in an order |
actionProductDelete | This hook is called when a product is deleted |
actionProductListOverride | Assign product list to a category |
actionProductOutOfStock | Make action while product is out of stock |
actionProductSave | On saving products |
actionProductUpdate |
actionSearch |
actionShopDataDuplication |
actionTaxManager |
actionUpdateQuantity | Quantity is updated only when the customer effectively place his order. |
actionValidateOrder |
actionWatermark |
displayAdminCustomers | Launch modules when the tab AdminCustomers is displayed on back-office. |
displayAdminOrder | Launch modules when the tab AdminOrder is displayed on back-office. |
displayAdminStatsGraphEngine |
displayAdminStatsGridEngine |
displayAdminStatsModules |
displayAttributeForm | Add fields to the form "attribute value" |
displayAttributeGroupForm | Add fields to the form "attribute group" |
displayAttributeGroupPostProcess | On post-process in admin attribute group |
displayBackOfficeFooter |
displayBackOfficeHeader |
displayBackOfficeHome |
displayBackOfficeTop |
displayBeforeCarrier | This hook is display before the carrier list on Front office |
displayBeforePayment | Redirect user to the module instead of displaying payment modules |
displayCarrierList |
displayCustomerAccount | Display on page account of the customer |
displayCustomerAccountForm | Display some information on the form to create a customer account |
displayCustomerAccountFormTop |
displayFeatureForm | Add fields to the form "feature" |
displayFeaturePostProcess | On post-process in admin feature |
displayFeatureValueForm | Add fields to the form "feature value" |
displayFeatureValuePostProcess | On post-process in admin feature value |
displayFooter | Add block in footer |
displayFooterProduct | Add new blocks under the product description |
displayHeader | A hook which allow you to do things in the header of each pages |
displayHome |
displayInvoice | Add blocks to invoice (order) |
displayLeftColumn |
displayLeftColumnProduct |
displayMyAccountBlock | Display extra informations inside the "my account" block |
displayMyAccountBlockfooter | Display extra informations inside the "my account" block |
displayOrderConfirmation | Called on order confirmation page |
displayOrderDetail | Displayed on order detail on front office |
displayPDFInvoice | Allow the display of extra informations into the PDF invoice |
displayPayment |
displayPaymentReturn |
displayPaymentTop | Top of payment page |
displayProductButtons | Put new action buttons on product page |
displayProductComparison | Extra Product Comparison |
displayProductTab | Called on order product page tabs |
displayProductTabContent | Called on order product page tabs |
displayRightColumn |
displayRightColumnProduct |
displayShoppingCart | Display some specific informations |
displayShoppingCartFooter | Display some specific informations on the shopping cart page |
displayTop | A hook which allow you to do things a the top of each pages. |
Updated hooks
Most of these hooks are the same as they were in version 1.4 of PrestaShop, but have been renamed with either a "action" or "display" prefix in order to be compatible with the new 1.5 naming scheme.
Old hook name | New hook name | Hook description |
AdminStatsModules | displayAdminStatsModules |
GraphEngine | displayAdminStatsGraphEngine |
GridEngine | displayAdminStatsGridEngine |
PDFInvoice | displayPDFInvoice | Allow the display of extra informations into the PDF invoice |
addproduct | actionProductAdd |
adminCustomers | displayAdminCustomers | Launch modules when the tab AdminCustomers is displayed on back-office. |
adminOrder | displayAdminOrder | Launch modules when the tab AdminOrder is displayed on back-office. |
afterCreateHtaccess | actionHtaccessCreate | After htaccess creation |
afterDeleteAttribute | actionAttributeDelete | On deleting attribute feature value |
afterDeleteAttributeGroup | actionAttributeGroupDelete | On deleting attribute group |
afterDeleteFeature | actionFeatureDelete | On deleting attribute feature |
afterDeleteFeatureValue | actionFeatureValueDelete | On deleting attribute feature value |
afterSaveAdminMeta | actionAdminMetaSave | After save configuration in AdminMeta |
afterSaveAttribute | actionAttributeSave | On saving attribute feature value |
afterSaveAttributeGroup | actionAttributeGroupSave | On saving attribute group |
afterSaveFeature | actionFeatureSave | On saving attribute feature |
afterSaveFeatureValue | actionFeatureValueSave | On saving attribute feature value |
afterSaveProduct | actionProductSave | On saving products |
attributeForm | displayAttributeForm | Add fields to the form "attribute value" |
attributeGroupForm | displayAttributeGroupForm | Add fields to the form "attribute group" |
authentication | actionAuthentication |
backBeforePayment | displayBeforePayment | Redirect user to the module instead of displaying payment modules |
backOfficeFooter | displayBackOfficeFooter |
backOfficeHeader | displayBackOfficeHeader |
backOfficeHome | displayBackOfficeHome |
backOfficeTop | displayBackOfficeTop |
beforeAuthentication | actionBeforeAuthentication | Before authentication |
beforeCarrier | displayBeforeCarrier | This hook is display before the carrier list on Front office |
cancelProduct | actionProductCancel | This hook is called when you cancel a product in an order |
cart | actionCartSave |
categoryAddition | actionCategoryAdd |
categoryDeletion | actionCategoryDelete |
categoryUpdate | actionCategoryUpdate |
createAccount | actionCustomerAccountAdd | Called when new customer create account successfuled |
createAccountForm | displayCustomerAccountForm | Display some information on the form to create a customer account |
createAccountTop | displayCustomerAccountFormTop |
customerAccount | displayCustomerAccount | Display on page account of the customer |
deleteProductAttribute | actionProductAttributeDelete |
deleteproduct | actionProductDelete | This hook is called when a product is deleted |
extraCarrier | displayCarrierList |
extraLeft | displayLeftColumnProduct |
extraProductComparison | displayProductComparison | Extra Product Comparison |
extraRight | displayRightColumnProduct |
featureForm | displayFeatureForm | Add fields to the form "feature" |
featureValueForm | displayFeatureValueForm | Add fields to the form "feature value" |
footer | displayFooter | Add block in footer |
header | displayHeader | A hook which allow you to do things in the header of each pages |
home | displayHome |
invoice | displayInvoice | Add blocks to invoice (order) |
leftColumn | displayLeftColumn |
myAccountBlock | displayMyAccountBlock | Display extra informations inside the "my account" block |
newOrder | actionValidateOrder |
orderConfirmation | displayOrderConfirmation | Called on order confirmation page |
orderDetail | actionOrderDetail | To set the follow-up in smarty when order detail is called |
orderDetailDisplayed | displayOrderDetail | Displayed on order detail on front office |
orderReturn | actionOrderReturn |
orderSlip | actionOrderSlipAdd | Called when a quantity of one product change in an order. |
payment | displayPayment |
paymentCCAdded | actionPaymentCCAdd | Payment CC added |
paymentConfirm | actionPaymentConfirmation |
paymentReturn | displayPaymentReturn |
paymentTop | displayPaymentTop | Top of payment page |
postProcessAttribute | actionAttributePostProcess | On post-process in admin feature value |
postProcessAttributeGroup | displayAttributeGroupPostProcess | On post-process in admin attribute group |
postProcessFeature | displayFeaturePostProcess | On post-process in admin feature |
postProcessFeatureValue | displayFeatureValuePostProcess | On post-process in admin feature value |
postUpdateOrderStatus | actionOrderStatusPostUpdate |
processCarrier | actionCarrierProcess |
productActions | displayProductButtons | Put new action buttons on product page |
productListAssign | actionProductListOverride | Assign product list to a category |
productOutOfStock | actionProductOutOfStock | Make action while product is out of stock |
productTab | displayProductTab | Called on order product page tabs |
productTabContent | displayProductTabContent | Called on order product page tabs |
productfooter | displayFooterProduct | Add new blocks under the product description |
rightColumn | displayRightColumn |
search | actionSearch |
shoppingCart | displayShoppingCartFooter | Display some specific informations on the shopping cart page |
shoppingCartExtra | displayShoppingCart | Display some specific informations |
taxManager | actionTaxManager |
top | displayTop | A hook which allow you to do things a the top of each pages. |
updateCarrier | actionCarrierUpdate | This hook is called when a carrier is updated |
updateOrderStatus | actionOrderStatusUpdate | Launch modules when the order's status of an order change. |
updateProductAttribute | actionProductAttributeUpdate |
updateQuantity | actionUpdateQuantity | Quantity is updated only when the customer effectively place his order. |
updateproduct | actionProductUpdate |
watermark | actionWatermark |