File or folder | Description |
preview.jpg | This image is used as a preview in the "Theme" selector in the "Preferences" > "Appearance" sub-tab. This image is mandatory, as without it the theme cannot be selected. It should obviously reflect the theme's design, and not its logo or designer's name... |
404.tpl | Used when the requested page is not found (HTTP error 404). |
address.tpl | Used when adding or editing a client street address. |
addresses.tpl | Used when listing a client's street addresses. |
authentication.tpl | Used when identifying a user, or creating a new user account. |
best-sales.tpl | Used to list all best sale. |
breadcrumb.tpl | Used to find the navigation path, or breadcrumb trail. |
category.tpl | Used to list all products in a given category. |
category-tree-branch.tpl | Used only by the Category block. |
category-cms-tree-branch.tpl | ... |
cms.tpl | Used for informational pages ("Tools" > "CMS" sub-tab). |
contact-form.tpl | Used by the contact form. |
discount.tpl | Used when listing all discount tickets for a single client. |
errors.tpl | Used when displaying errors. Potentially called by all of the pages. |
footer.tpl | Page footer. |
guest-tracking.tpl | Used when a visitor has no know known account on the site, but wants his order to be tracked – and therefore needs to create an account or log in. |
header.tpl | Page header |
history.tpl | Used when lsiting the order history of a client. |
identity.tpl | Used when a client edits his/her personal information. |
index.php | Blank file, prevents visitors to view the content of the folder. |
index.tpl | Welcome page. |
maintenance.tpl | Used when the site is in maintenance mode. |
manufacturer.tpl | Used when listing all products from a single manufacturer. |
manufacturer-list.tpl | Used when listing all manufacturers. |
my-account.tpl | Welcome page for a client's account. |
new-products.tpl | Used when listing the products that were last added to the cart. |
order-address.tpl | Used during the order process: Step 1, choosing the addresses (delivery, billing). |
order-carrier.tpl | Used during the order process: Step 2, choosing the carrier mode. |
order-confirmation.tpl | Used during the order process: Last step, confirming the order (after payment). |
order-detail.tpl | Used to display the content of a client's order. |
order-follow.tpl | Used when a client needs to ask for a product return. |
order-opc.tpl | ... |
order-opc-new-account.tpl | ... |
order-payment.tpl | Used during the order process: Step 3, choosing the payment mode. |
order-return.tpl | Used to display a client product return details. |
order-slip.tpl | Used to display a client's credit slips. |
order-steps.tpl | Order process progress bar. |
pagination.tpl | Used by all pages that list products. Displays the pagination button, enable to skip to the next/previous page of products. |
password.tpl | Used when a client needs to change his password. |
prices-drop.tpl | Used to list all current promotions. |
product.tpl | Used to display details for a single product. |
product-list.tpl | Used by all pages that list products. Displays the actual products list. |
product-sort.tpl | Used by all pages that list products. Displays a menu enabling to sort and filter products. |
products-comparison.tpl | ... |
scenes.tpl | Used to display a scene's details within a product category. |
search.tpl | Used to list results from a search query. |
shopping-cart.tpl | Used to list products in a client's cart. |
shopping-cart-product-line.tpl | Used to display from a single cart row. |
sitemap.tpl | Used to display the site map. |
store_infos.tpl | ... |
stores.tpl | ... |
supplier.tpl | Used to list all the products from a single supplier. |
supplier-list.tpl | Used to list all suppliers. |
thickbox.tpl | Used to zoom a product's picture. |
/cache | ... |
/css | Contains all style sheet files for the theme. The |
/img | Contains all of the theme's images. You should replace these images with your own adequate creations. If you do not know what to make of it, you should leave the original files. |
/js | Contains all of the theme's JavaScript files. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, you should leave these files alone. |
/lang | Contains all translation files. These are generated by the back-office translation tool, and should not be edit directly. If a translation needs editing, go to the back-office, "Tools" tab, "Translation" sub-tab, "Modify translation" section, and choose "Front office translations". |