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  • Orders

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YOU CANNOT DELETE AN ORDER. It is illegal to be able to remove payment or ordering information and/or invoice information from a business in Europe. Therefore, implementing a "Delete" button for orders would render PrestaShop illegal in Europe.

To safely delete the default order (and thus be able to delete the iPod from your catalog), install the "PrestaShop cleanerDatabase Cleaner" module (which is available in the default installation since v1.5.4), open its configuration screen and check the "Orders and customers" box before you click on the "Check Delete orders & fixcustomers" button.

You can export a list of your orders by clicking on the "Export" button at the top.
You cannot import orders.


One of the great features of PrestaShop is the ability to create an order directly from the back - office. For instance, this is tremendously useful when a customer wants to buy a product but does not succeed, and you need to take the hand and make the order while on the phone or during an e-mail conversation with the customer.

Clicking "Add new order" opens a new page with a single text field, labeled "Search customers". When creating a new order through the back - office, your first task is to associate that order with a customer. Type the first letters of the customer first name, last name or e-mail address, and PrestaShop will display the matching accounts.


Click the "Choose" button for the correct customer, and the whole order form appears. Its main section, "Cart", is where you will make all the necessary product decisions for this order. You can also choose to use a previous order from the customer, or a previously abandoned cart.

The "Search a product" field enables you to dynamically find products to add: type the first letters of its name and PrestaShop will fill a drop-down list with matching products. Choose a product, select a quantity, and click "Add to cart" button. You can of course choose among the many combinations of a product, if any, in the "Combination" drop-down list that appears in that case.
Note that PrestaShop gives you an indication of the remaining stock for a given product, which enables you to tell the customer that you are out of stock for said product right from the order form.

The page also enables you to see the previous carts and orders from that customer, if any. If it turns out you are dealing with a cart that a customer somehow cannot validate, you can use that cart for this order by clicking on the "Use this cart" action button (the "two windows" icon).

If needed, you can also grant that order a voucher/cart rule, and even create one on the fly by clicking on the "Add new voucher" button.


The order detail sheet fills a full page.

This At the top of the page is a quick summary of the order: date it has been validated, number of customer service discussions about it, number of products in the order, and total amount of money.

The detail sheet of the order gives you access to:

  • On the left, order information:
    • The status and status history of the order.
    • The
    • shipping information: total weight of order and carrier chosen by the customer.
  • On the right, customer information:
    • Name of buying history.
    • Shipping and invoice addresses (with a rough location map using Google Maps).
  • The method of payment that was used, the cost of the products, and the shipping costs.
  • Various details on the ordered products.

In the "Shipping address" section of the page, you can see a "G" icon: the enables you to use Google Maps to locate the address on a map.

Changing the order

Orders are not unalterabledefinitive. There are many reasons why you would need to change an order before its products are gathered, packed and sent to their new owner: one of the product is out of stock, the customer changed his or her mind, etc.

Adding a product

At the top bottom of the page"Products" list, you can find the "Add a product" button, which triggers two actions upon clicking:


adds a field to the order.

When adding a product, the products table gets a new row added with a handful of fields. The first text field is actually a small search engine: type the first letters of a product to see a list of corresponding products. Select the one you want to add, and the grayed-out field of the row becomes available.
If the product has combinations, you can select it in a drop-down list that appears below the name: the unit price update accordingly.
Set the quantity of products, and then click the "Add product" button: the product is addedNote that the "Add a product" button from the "Products" section triggers the same action the button of the same name in the top bat.

You cannot add more product quantity than there is of available product.


To cancel a product, go to the product list, and either delete the product by clicking on the "Delete" action (the "trashcan" icon), or by clicking on the "Edit" action if all you need is to remove some quantity of a product.

You can edit the quantity of many products at the same time.
If a product's quantity reaches 0, it is removed from the order altogether.
You cannot remove more than the quantity of product.
Click the "red crossCancel" icon button to cancel your edit.

Editing the order details


  • Awaiting bank wire payment.
  • Awaiting Cash on Delivery validation.
  • Awaiting cheque payment.
  • Awaiting PayPal payment.
  • Canceled.
  • Delivered.
  • On backorder.
  • Payment accepted.
  • Payment error.
  • Payment remotely accepted.
  • Preparation in progress.
  • RefundRefunded.
  • Shipped.

In order to get a better view of the order's activity, every status change is recorded, and the log appears right below the status change drop-down list. Therefore, you should only change a status if it has been clearly confirmed: do not mark an order as "Delivered" when you have sent the package, use "Shipped"; do not use "Preparation in progress" when in fact you have only taken a quick glance at the order, etc.

Since version, you can resend the email for a given order status to the customer. To send this email anew, click on "Resend email" next to the order status. If you have edited the order at some point, it will send an updated email. 

Actions Buttons

The action buttons change depending on the order's status. For instance, once the order is in the "Delivered" state, the "Add a product" and "Remove products" turn into two new buttons: "Return products" and "Partial refund".


Product return is not activated by default. To activate it, go to the "Product returns" page under the "Orders" menu, and activate the option in the option at the bottom of the page. This will apply to all products and all orders.

  • Return products.

    Standard refund. Available once the order reaches the "Payment accepted" status. Not available once the products have been sent.
    To be used



    the customer has effectively returned products: once the returned product has been received, you can mark it as returned directly in the order form. Click the "Return products

    you need to refund the totality of the order, and can be done as long as the products are still in your warehouse.
    Click the "Standard refund" button and a new column will appear in the product list, titled "



    Check the box

    Set the amount and quantity for each of the affected products,

    indicate the quantity of items that were returned

    choose one of the option at the bottom of the list (see below), and click the "

    Return products

    Partial refund" button at the bottom of the table.

  • Partial refund. Available once the order reaches the "Payment accepted" status.
    To be used when you need to refund only part of the order and not the whole order, either because the customer returned the ordered product, or simply as a sign of goodwill for a damaged product that the customer chose to keep anyway.
    Click the "Partial refund" button and a new column will appear in the product list, titled "Partial refund". Set the amount and quantity for each of the affected products, choose one of the option at the bottom of the list (see below), and click the "Partial refund" button at the bottom of the table.
  • Return products. Available once the order reaches the "Shipped" status. PrestaShop must be set to accept merchandise returns, which is not in the Orders > Merchandise Returns page, with the "Enable returns" option.
    To be used only when the customer has effectively returned products: once the returned product has been received, you can mark it as returned directly in the order form.
    Click the "Return products" button and a new column will appear in the product list, titled "Return". Check the box of the affected products, indicate the quantity of items that were returned, and click the "Return products" at the bottom of the table.

When you set a product as returned or to be refunded, four options are available below the list of products:


If the customer paid the order using a credit card, the payment system should refund the cart automatically. If the order was paid using a check or a bank transfer, you have to issue the refund yourself, then mark the order as having been refunded manually in the back - office (in the order's page).



You can customize the invoice layout easily: the PDF template files are located in the /pdf folder. These .tpl files are actually HTML files with Smarty tags for dynamic data. You can change the invoice's layout by editing the file named invoice.tpl.


When you put the order in the "Preparation in progress" state, a delivery slip PDF is generated, which you can then download from the "Documents" section.


If you need to send the package to an address that is not already registered in PrestaShop, you must first create it. To do this, go to the "Customers" menu, open the "Addresses" page, and click in the "Add new" button. Do not forget to put the correct e-mail of the customer, as this is the way PrestaShop will know to associate that new address with your existing customer! Once done, go back to the order's page, and change the address using the drop-down list.

Note that a small "G" icon map enables you to visualize the destination of the package on Google Maps.


In the "Products" section, at the bottom of the products listing, you can find an empty table with an the "Add new discount" button. This creates a simple discount, not as advanced as the vouchers/cart rules system but still useful.


In the "New Message" section, at on the bottom right of the page, you can attach a comment on the order for your team.
