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Which are the data from my shop that the PrestaShop company has access to?

Here is the answer in English and in French.


See the documentation on the "SEO & URLs" preferences page.

How do I translate PrestaShop into my language?


See the documentation for the "Modules" menu, mostly the "Installing a payment module" section.

How do I select which


featured products are displayed on the



You need to associate the product to the homepage category. For each product you want displayed on the front-page, open the "Association" tab and select the "Home" category, in addition to the already-checked category.


How do I add and modify taxes in PrestaShop?

Go to the "TaxeTaxes" and "Tax rules" pages of the "Localization" menu.

See the documentation for the "Localization" menu.


See the documentation for the "Orders" menu.

How do I edit text for "About us", "Delivery", "Legal notice" and "Conditions"?

In the back-office, navigate to "Preferences" > "CMS", and select the pages you want to edit.

How do I change the default images and


texts on the homepage?

The default theme for PrestaShop features an image slider. You can edit that slider by configuring the "Image slider for your homepage" module, which can be found in the "Modules" page of the back-office.


  • using your FTP client, go to your web server’s FTP, and open the file "", which is in the "/config" folder. There's a bunch of text, then this appears:

    Code Block
    /* Debug only */
    define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);
    if (_PS_MODE_DEV_)
  • change that second line: replace "false" with "true" (without quotes). It should now read:

    Code Block
    /* Debug only */
    define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);
    if (_PS_MODE_DEV_)


Open the maintenance.tpl file with a text editor, and edit at will. Be careful not to break the Smarty tags (marked {tag} or {/tag}) ; make sure to keep a backup in the folder, for instance under the name maintenance-originalFile.tpl.

What should I do if PrestaShop does not send me my new password?

The request to reset the password only works if the SMTP server has been configured so that PrestaShop is able to send emails.

Two solutions present themselves to you:

  1. Configure the SMTP server to send emails.
    1. Get information for SMTP connection from your hosting provider.
    2. Go to your back office (either you or an administrator who can still log), "Preferences" tab, "E-Mails" subtab.
    3. Select the "Use my own SMTP settings." A form will appear: fill it with the information given by your host.
    4. Save your changes.
    5. Request a new password once again. You should receive it.
  2. Follow these steps:
    1. Choose a new password. In our example, "$$$rabbit$159$$$".
    2. Using your FTP client, open the login.php file, located in your administration folder online.
      At the bottom of the file, add the following line:
      echo md5( PSQL( _COOKIE_KEY_ . 'newpassword' ) );
      So with our example password:
      echo md5( PSQL( _COOKIE_KEY_ . '$$$rabbit$159$$$' ) );
      Remember to put your own new password!
  3. Go to the login screen to the back-office, as if you wanted to log in, and copy the text that appears at the bottom of the page (eg.: a0ee884b507dd4624ce51968cfbb19a9)
  4. Go to the PrestaShop database, for example using phpMyAdmin. In the ps_employee table, replace the existing value in the passwd column for the employee of which you want to change the password with the value obtained in the previous step. Save your changes.
  5. You can now connect with the usual username and new password.

How to modify a page's display?

You have to add your own selectors in your theme's CSS file. This file is usually found in /themes/YOUR_THEME/css/global.css.

Once created, you can use your selectors in the .tpl page you want to modify.

How to create your own page/template?

You can also create your own .tpl file (located in your theme directory), where you can insert your own HTML tags, and create a .php page (at the root of your shop) which will call the .tpl file.

Here is an example:

First, your_page.php:

Code Block



In this example, the your_page.tpl file contains your HTML code (which can use Smarty calls).

How to correctly import accentuated content using a CSV file?

If you make a CSV Import with accentuated texts, beware to select UTF-8 or iso-8859-1 in the "Import" sub-tab of the "Tools" tab, and be sure that the .csv file has been saved with the same encoding.

If needed, save the CSV file from you text-editor (such as Notepad++), specifying the right encoding.

How to change the maximum size of uploaded files to your server?

To change the maximum size of the uploaded files in your server, you have to edit the php.ini file for your PHP install. This can only be done if you do have access to your server's PHP configuration files. If not, ask your host.

If you do have access to php.ini, open it and edit the following lines:

Code Block
post_max_size = [anything]
upload_max_filesize = [anything]

If you want to set the maximum to 200 megabytes, change their values to

Code Block
post_max_size = 200M
upload_max_filesize = 200M

Finally, restart the server to take your changes into account.

How to add a link or an image to customize the mails sent to your customers?

PrestaShop enables you to automatically send a large number of mails to your customers (order confirmations, site subscriptions, out of stock notifications, etc.). It might be useful to customize these mails: adding images, links to survey forms or information pages (blogs, news, etc.).

Let's say your company wants to customize the e-mail sent automatically to customers after a purchase, in order to redirect them to a survey form.

To add a link in the mails sent to your English-speaking customers, you have to:

  1. Go to the /mails/en directory from your shop root.
  2. Edit the HTML template relative to the mail you want to modify: for instance, order_conf.html is the e-mail sent for new orders.
  3. Insert the link to the survey right in the HTML code (static):

    Code Block
    <a href="">Click here if you want to participate to our survey!</a>

    or a dynamic link with your logo:

    Code Block
    <a href="{shop_url}" title="{shop_name}"><img alt="{shop_name}" src="{shop_logo}" style="border:none;"></a>
  4. (Optional) To change the default color (which is pink: #DB3484), change the hexadecimal value to your preferred color value.
  5. Save the file.

Now the link will be added in every new mail sent after a purchase.

How to create a new translation?

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to your PrestaShop back-office, in the "Localization" menu, and its "Languages" page.
  2. Add a new language: click the "Add" button on the top right of the table. Fill in the various fields:
    1. The name must be clearly labeled: English, French, Danish, Chinese... Make sure to use the correct language name, and write it fully.
    2. The ISO code must be from the ISO 636-1 list: Be very precise: the system will check whether a language pack already exists for that ISO code
    3. PrestaShop uses FamFamFam's flag set, which you can download here:
    4. Don’t forget to activate the language.
    5. Save your changes.
  3. In order to help you get started with the translation, you must copy the strings from the another installed language to your own:
    1. Go to the "Translations" page of the "Localization" menu.
    2. In the "Copy" section: use the default language along with the default theme in the From fields, and your new language along with its theme for the To fields. 
  4. Then you can start translating:
    1. Got to the "Modify translations" section at the top of the "Translations" page.
    2. Choose "Front Office Translations" in the drop-down list, then click on the flag of your new language.
    3. Start translating the fields.
    4. Click "Save the modifications" once it all seems correct to you.
    5. Repeat this step for each type of translation ("Back Office", "Modules", etc.).
  5. Your own language is now totally translated! Test, test, test! Have your friends test it too!

If you want to contribute it to the PrestaShop project, you can propose your new translation to the PrestaShop Team. In the "Export a language" section, select the new language; in the following fields select "prestashop" then click "Export". Save this file and send it to [email protected] with as subject "New translation: XX", with "XX" being the ISO code of the language (

You have contributed to the PrestaShop project! Thank you so much!