This way, you will know right away what type of hook you are dealing with. Older hooks have been renamed to match this scheme.
New & updated hooks
All hooks in PrestaShop have been updated for version 1.5, and several new ones were added.
Note |
The following "new hooks" and "updated hooks" lists were automatically generated by a script. Hook descriptions appear as they are in the PrestaShop database, and can sometimes be missing. |
All hooks in PrestaShop have been updated for version 1.5, and several new ones were added.
New hooks
Hook name | Hook description |
actionAdminMetaControllerUpdate_optionsBefore |
actionAdminMetaSave | After saving configuration in AdminMeta |
actionAttributeDelete | On deleting attribute feature value |
actionAttributeGroupDelete | On deleting attribute group |
actionAttributeGroupSave | On saving attribute group |
actionAttributePostProcess | On post-process in admin feature value |
actionAttributeSave | On saving attribute feature value |
actionAuthentication |
actionBeforeAuthentication | Before authentication |
actionCarrierProcess |
actionCarrierUpdate | This hook is called when a carrier is updated |
actionCartSave |
actionCategoryAdd |
actionCategoryDelete |
actionCategoryUpdate |
actionCustomerAccountAdd | Called when a new customer successfully creates account |
actionFeatureDelete | On deleting attribute feature |
actionFeatureSave | On saving attribute feature |
actionFeatureValueDelete | On deleting attribute feature value |
actionFeatureValueSave | On saving attribute feature value |
actionHtaccessCreate | After |
actionObjectCategoryDeleteAfter |
actionObjectCategoryUpdateAfter |
actionObjectCmsDeleteAfter |
actionObjectCmsUpdateAfter |
actionObjectManufacturerDeleteAfter |
actionObjectManufacturerUpdateAfter |
actionObjectProductDeleteAfter |
actionObjectProductUpdateAfter |
actionObjectSupplierDeleteAfter |
actionObjectSupplierUpdateAfter |
actionOrderDetail | To set the follow-up in Smarty when order detail is called. |
actionOrderReturn |
actionOrderSlipAdd | Called when a quantity of one product change in an order. |
actionOrderStatusPostUpdate |
actionOrderStatusUpdate | Launch modules when the order's status changes. |
actionPaymentCCAdd | Payment CC added |
actionPaymentConfirmation |
actionProductAdd |
actionProductAttributeDelete |
actionProductAttributeUpdate |
actionProductCancel | This hook is called when you cancel a product in an order |
actionProductDelete | This hook is called when a product is deleted |
actionProductListOverride | Assign product list to a category |
actionProductOutOfStock | Make action while product is out of stock |
actionProductSave | On saving products |
actionProductUpdate |
actionSearch |
actionShopDataDuplication |
actionTaxManager |
actionUpdateQuantity | Quantity is updated only when the customer effectively place his order. |
actionValidateOrder |
actionWatermark |
displayAdminCustomers | Launch modules when the tab AdminCustomers is displayed on back-office. |
displayAdminOrder | Launch modules when the tab AdminOrder is displayed on back-office. |
displayAdminStatsGraphEngine |
displayAdminStatsGridEngine |
displayAdminStatsModules |
displayAttributeForm | Add fields to the form "attribute value" |
displayAttributeGroupForm | Add fields to the form "attribute group" |
displayAttributeGroupPostProcess | On post-process in admin attribute group |
displayBackOfficeFooter |
displayBackOfficeHeader |
displayBackOfficeHome |
displayBackOfficeTop |
displayBeforeCarrier | This hook is display before the carrier list on Front office |
displayBeforePayment | Redirect user to the module instead of displaying payment modules |
displayCarrierList |
displayCustomerAccount | Display on page account of the customer |
displayCustomerAccountForm | Display some information on the form to create a customer account |
displayCustomerAccountFormTop |
displayFeatureForm | Add fields to the form "feature" |
displayFeaturePostProcess | On post-process in admin feature |
displayFeatureValueForm | Add fields to the form "feature value" |
displayFeatureValuePostProcess | On post-process in admin feature value |
displayFooter | Add block in footer |
displayFooterProduct | Add new blocks under the product description |
displayHeader | A hook which allow you to do things in the header of each pages |
displayHome |
displayInvoice | Add blocks to invoice (order) |
displayLeftColumn |
displayLeftColumnProduct |
displayMyAccountBlock | Display extra information inside the "my account" block |
displayMyAccountBlockfooter | Display extra information inside the "my account" block |
displayOrderConfirmation | Called on order confirmation page |
displayOrderDetail | Displayed on order detail on front office |
displayPDFInvoice | Allow the display of extra information into the PDF invoice |
displayPayment |
displayPaymentReturn |
displayPaymentTop | Top of payment page |
displayProductButtons | Put new action buttons on product page |
displayProductComparison | Extra Product Comparison |
displayProductTab | Called on order product page tabs |
displayProductTabContent | Called on order product page tabs |
displayRightColumn |
displayRightColumnProduct |
displayShoppingCart | Display some specific information |
displayShoppingCartFooter | Display some specific information on the shopping cart page |
displayTop | A hook which enables you to do things at the top of each page. |