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  • Adding Products and Product Categories

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This documentation is currently being worked on. Until the stable version of PrestaShop 1.5 is released, it should not be seen as definitive.

Table of content

Table of Contents


The "Catalog" section can be accessed by opening the menu with the same name, which lists all the product-related pages. This is where you manage your catalog throughout your PrestaShop site.

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The pages of this menu are sorted by order of their importance in the daily management of your shop: indeed, you are more likely to add/edit/deleted products than adding suppliers or image-maps.


To create a category, click on the "Add new" button and fill out the form.

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Make sure to fill each field in every language that your shop supports. In order to do that, click on the little flag next to the field, choose the flag of the language in which you wish to edit the text.


  • Meta title. The title that will appear on the search engines when a request is made by a customer
  • Meta description. A presentation of your category in just a few lines, intended to capture a customer's interest. This will appear in search results
  • Meta Keywords. Keywords that you must define in order to have your site referenced by search engines. You can enter several of them, separated by commas, as well as expressions, which must be indicated in quotation marks.
  • Friendly URL. Enables you to rewrite the addresses of your categories as you wish.
    For example, instead of having an address such as
    you can have:
    In this case, all you would need to do is indicate in the field marked "Friendly URL" the words that you wish to see appear instead of "name-of-the-category" separated by dashes.

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  • Group access. Restricts select categories and products to certain shoppers. To see these categories, your shoppers must belong to a user group. Check out the "Groups" page in the "Customers" tab for more information.


In the following sections, we will explore these tabs one by one. We begin with the first tab in the form, which enables you to fill out the general information about your products.

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The Product Page Global Buttons

When you create a new product, the product page feature a single button at the top: "Back to list". It simply takes you back to the list of product, without saving any change your have made in any of the tab from this page.

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As soon as you give the product a name, two more buttons appear:

  • Save. This saves any change you have made to any of the data for the current product, and takes you back to the product list.
  • Save and stay. This saves any change you have made to any of the data for the current product, and keeps you on the current tab. This is particularly useful when you want to switch tabs without losing your changes to the current tab, or seeing your changes get applied immediately.

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As soon as you save your product, using either the "Save" or the "Save and stay" button, more buttons appear:

  • Delete this product. Removes all the data for the current, including its images, combinations, features, etc.
  • Duplicate. Creates an exact copy of the current product. This is very useful when you'd rather use the current product's data as a template for another new product, and not have to create every data of the new product by hand. For instance, two products might be very different, but could share the same associations, carriers or supplier settings.
    Note: if you need to create different versions of the same product, because of its variety of colors, capacity, size, etc., then you should create product combination for the current product rather than duplicating it X times. See the "Combinations" tab on the left, which is explained in the "Adding Product Combinations" section of this chapter.
  • Preview. Displays the front-page page of your product. This is very handy, as it works even if the product is disabled ("Informations" tab).
  • Product sales. Redirects you to the "Product detail" page of the statistics dashboard ("Stats" tab), which gives you a graphic of both the visits to this product's page, and also its sales.

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Filling out the Product Global Information

The first tab contains the essential information about the product.

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The first line is an essential one: indicate whether the product is a pack (a combination of at least two existing products), a virtual product (downloadable file, service...), or simply a classic, mail-sent product. For now, we will only explore the first option of these three, and deal with packs and virtual products in their own sections of this chapter.


Now that these details are set in stone, you can adding a description for your product.
Describing your product well is essential, both for the customer (the more information, the better) and search engines (it will help your shop appear in more search requests).

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These two fields are here to fill out your product's description.
The first field enables you to write a short description that will appear in search engines and in the category description for your product. This field is limited to 400 characters.
In the second field, you can write a full description of your product, which will appear directly on the product page. The text editor offers a wide range of options for creating visually attractive descriptions (font, size, text color, etc.).
While the second field has no limits, there is such thing as too much content: strive to provide the essential information in a compelling way, and your product should be good to go.


The pricing section can be quite intimidating, with fields influencing each other and taxes to take into account. This is all done in the "Prices" tab on the left.

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Set the price that will appear in your store by following the instructions below:

  • Pre-tax wholesale price. Enables you to instantly know your wholesale, factory price, and thus compare it to your selling price in order to easily calculate your profit.
  • Pre-tax retail price. The price of your product before taxes.
  • Tax rule. The tax applicable to the product. Choose between the different rates.
    If you need to create new tax rates, click the "Create" button. Tax creation is done in the "Localization" tab, "Taxes" page; it is fully explained in the "Localization" chapter of this guide.
  • Eco-tax (tax incl.). The value of the ecotax for this product. This value is already included in your retail price. You are supposed to declare that tax to your country's tax agency.
    Note that this fields is not displayed by default. If you have to include an ecotax, you must first enable it: go to the "Localization" tab, "Taxes" page, "Tax options" section (bottom of the page), and choose "Yes" for the "Use ecotax" option.
  • Retail Price with tax. Displays the price of the product with taxes included. You can edit the value, and it will automatically update the "Pre-tax retail price" field according to the tax rule that you chose.
  • Unit price. Enables you to conform to local legislations that require products to be displayed with their unit price.
    For instance, if you are selling a pack of 6 cans of soda, then you should fill this field with the price per can, and indicate "can" in the text field. The description on the same line will update accordingly.
  • Display "on sale" icon on product page and text on product listing. Check that box to show that your product is on sale, both on the product page and in the text on the product listing. An "On sale" icon will appear under the product. You can modify this logo by changing the following file: themes/prestashop/img/onsale_fr.gif Image Removed
  • Final retail price. This price, including the discount taken, will update as you type.


You can changes the total price of a sale depending on the quantity of products your customer buys, the user group, the country, etc. This is done using the "Specific prices" option of the "Prices" tab.

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Click "Add a New specific price", and a form appears.

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  • For. This enables you to be very specific about the various groups to which this price applies, including currencies, countries and even your custom customer groups (which we'll discuss in a later chapter).
  • Customer.
  • Available from. Here you can define a range of dates between which the price is active using the second row. Clicking each selector will open a calendar, simplifying the process.
  • Wiki Markup
    *Starting at \[\] unit*. Contains the value from which the discount should be applied. Default is "1", which means any quantity.
  • Product price (tax excl.). This is where you can set an arbitrary price, independent of calculations and previous prices. Keep this field at "0" to use the default price.
  • Apply a discount of. The discount that will be applied once the quantity is selected. Use the selector to set the type of discount (either a specific amount in the default currency, or a percentage of the default price).

Once you have chosen your values click on "Save and stay": the summary of your discount model appears below. If you wish to delete a value, click on the trashcan icon in the table.

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Managing Price Priority

Even when setting detailed prices and quantity discounts, with custom groups and shops (when in a multishop context), one customer might fit into multiple prices or discount rules. PrestaShop therefore uses a set of priorities in order to apply one price rule to such customers.


To access the product's SEO information, open the "SEO" tab on the left. The following fields appear:

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These fields enable you to directly optimize your catalog's visibility on search engines.


The "Images" tab on the left is for including photos on your product page. You should upload all the images for this product, including all the available variations of this product (color, size, shape...).

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To add one or more images to your product:


Adding a new variation to your product takes just a few steps.

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  1. Click on the "New Combination" button, in the top right of the page. A form will appear:
  2. Attribute-value pair.
    1. From the drop-down menu choose a group of attributes, such as "Color" for example
    2. Choose the attribute value that you would like to include, for example "Blue".
    3. Click on the "Add" button and it will appear in the selector.
      You can add as many attribute-value pairs as necessary to one combination.
      You can only add one pair per type of attribute to one combination: it is impossible to have both "Color: Blue" and "Color: Red" in your pairs; if this is necessary, you will have to create new attributes, for instance "Primary color" and "Secondary color".
      You can delete an attribute-value pair by selecting it and clicking on the "Delete" button.
  3. Reference, EAN13 & UPC.
    • If necessary, indicate the combination's reference, EAN13 and/or UPC numbers into each field, as if you were creating a brand new product in PrestaShop. These numbers may be used by your warehouse or your carrier, so make sure to fill these fields, they are often essential to your business.
  4. Impact on original product. If the combination is supposed to have an impact on the product's price/weight/unit price, choose the appropriate dropdown menu, select "Increase" or "Reduction" depending on the context, and fill the field that appears with the value of that impact.
    • Wholesale price. This field is useful is the default price of the product changes simply by
  5. Minimum quantity. You might prefer this combination to only be sold in bulk. Use this field set the number of items to be sold in bulk.
  6. Available date. If this is a temporary or promotional product combination, you can indicate the date at which this product should not be available for sale anymore.
  7. Images. The images that are linked to the whole product (as uploaded using the form in the "Images" tab on the left) are displayed. Check the box for the images that best represent this combinations.
  8. Default. Check this box if you want the current combination to actually be the main product.

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When you have set all of the combination's details, save your product changes using the "Save and stay" button. Your combination will appear in the attributes list at the bottom of the screen.

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In PrestaShop 1.4, there used to be a "Color picker" form at the bottom of the list of combinations, where you could choose to display a color picker or not on the product page.

In PrestaShop 1.5, this option has been moved and improved. When creating a new attribute (in the "Catalog" tab, "Attributes & Values" page), you can use the "Attribute type" drop-down list to choose whether the front-page should display it as a drop-down list, a radio button list, or a color picker.


Clicking the "Product combinations generator" will take you to the complete form.

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A warning window might appear, saying "You will lose all unsaved modifications, do you want to proceed?" This means your product already had some combinations created. If you agree to this, this will delete the combinations that have not yet been saved. Be careful, and always save your work before using the generator!


Be aware that contrary to the combinations, these values do not change, and are valid for the general product.

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Creating a feature

Before adding a feature to a product, you must create it for general use in your shop. You either go to the "Features" page of the "Catalog" tab, or directly click on the "Add a new feature product" button. A warning will appear, "You will lose all unsaved modifications, do you want to proceed?" – make sure all your changes are saved before validating.


Let's look at how to configure this function. In the "Customization" tab on the left, you can indicate what type of context (file and/or text) can be personalized.

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  • File Fields. Puts one file upload button on the order page. Each button accept only one file, so put as many field as you allow your customers to upload.
  • Text Fields. Puts one text field on the order page. You can add as many text fields as necessary.
    Example: If you allow a 5-line text, each line limited to 14 characters, you can add 5 fields, and indicate the number of allowed characters in the field's label.


For example, let's say you sell electronics, and you would like to urge your customers to read a document on how a product works. You can upload a document for that purpose.
You could also simply have the product's PDF manual directly available for download right on the product page.

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Adding an attachment is really quick:


Now the "Download" tab will appear on the product's page, and your customers can download the file(s) that you just uploaded.

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If you need to remove an attachment, select it in the "Attachments for this product" selector and click on the "<<< Remove" button. The file will be moved to the "Available attachments" selector if you need to set it back online later on.

You can view all of your store's attached files, add some more and remove some, by going to the "Attachments" page under the "Catalog" tab. This also makes it possible to use the attachments that you already uploaded for other files: if you need to apply the associated one file with many products, you will thus only have to upload it once.

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Managing Product Quantities


  • the first field is used to search for products that are already registered in your shop;
  • the second field is used to indicate the quantity of chosen product should be added to the pack;
  • the button adds the product to the pack.

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You can add as many products as you would like to the pack.
