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  1. Chapter 4 - Retrieve Data - Retrieving a Client

    ="" /> </customers> Example Here we see that the xlink for the "customer" tag with ID 1 is: … for displaying the list because the tags that interest us are children of the "customers" tag. $resources = $xml->customers->children(); This path is done
    PrestaShop 1.4Mar 09, 2012
  2. Chapter 4 - Retrieve Data - Retrieving a Client

    " xlink:href="" /> </customers> Example The XLink for the customer tag with ID 1 is: This link … to easily carry out everything in this chapter. Accessing resources is performed as above for displaying the list, because the tags that interest us are children
    PrestaShop 1.5Jun 13, 2013
  3. Chapter 4 - Data retrieval - Retrieving a customer

    > <customer id="1" xlink:href="" /> </customers> Example The XLink for the customer tag with ID 1 … is performed as above for displaying the list, because the tags that interest us are children of the customers tag. $resources = $xml->customers->children
    PrestaShop 1.6Jan 24, 2014
  4. Zarządzanie tagami

    produktów. Nazwa. Nazwij swój tag. Powinien być krótki i rzeczowy, tak aby pomagał odnajdywać Twoim klientom powiązane produkty, a nie im przeszkadzał. Język … . Zaznacz produkty z prawej kolumny, do których chcesz zastosować tag. Przytrzymaj przycisk Ctrl na klawiaturze, aby zaznaczyć kilka produktów za jednym razem
    PrestaShop 1.6Mar 08, 2015
  5. Adding a configuration page

    array. Each of the arrays it features contains the detailed description of the tags the form must contain. From this variable, PrestaShop will render the HTML form as it is described. In this example, we define three tags (<legend>, <input> and <submit>) and their attributes using arrays. The format is quite easy to get
    PrestaShop 1.6May 11, 2016
  6. Adding a configuration page -

    will contain a multidimensional array. Each of the arrays it features contains the detailed description of the tags the form must contain. From this variable, PrestaShop will render the HTML form as it is described. In this example, we define three tags (<legend>, <input> and <submit>) and their attributes using arrays
    PrestaShop 1.6Jul 01, 2016
  7. SEO and URLs

    and enables you to edit their friendly URLs as well as their meta tags (title, description, keyword). pref016-seoList-en-161.png Friendly URLs only work with a server … the homepage meta tags, you simply need to open the "SEO & URLs" page, open the "index" page's settings, and there you can freely edit some important SEO information
    PrestaShop 1.7Oct 28, 2016
  8. Adding a configuration page

    a multidimensional array. Each of the arrays it features contains the detailed description of the tags the form must contain. From this variable, PrestaShop will render the HTML form as it is described. In this example, we define three tags (<legend>, <input> and <submit>) and their attributes using arrays. The format is quite easy
    PrestaShop 1.7Sep 14, 2017
  9. SEO & URLs

    benutzerfreundlichen URLs sowie deren Meta-Tags (Titel, Beschreibung, Tags) zu bearbeiten. pref016-seoList-en.png Benutzerfreundliche URLs funktionieren nur mit einem … (fragen Sie Ihren Hosting-Provider!), sonst kann Ihr Shop völlig unzugänglich werden, wenn Sie URLs aktivieren, die der Server nicht unterstützt! Um die Meta-Tags der
    PrestaShop 1.6Nov 27, 2015
  10. Search Preferences

    the sections of this guide on product and category meta tags, to better understand how to display products based on words typed by your customers. See the "Adding … Weight" is at 6, "Tags weight" is at 4, and both "Short description weight" and "Description weight" are at 1. This means a product with "ipod" in its name
    PrestaShop 1.6Oct 20, 2016