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  1. La synchronisation via les Hooks Préambule Pour savoir ce qu'est un hook, je vous conseille de vous reporter à l'article de Julien Breux ici : Mieux comprendre et utiliser les hooks Il est parfois nécessaire de mettre en place une tache automatisée (appelée également tâche cron) notamment pour certains modules
    PrestaShop 1.4Nov 02, 2011
  2. PrestaShop 1.6

    PrestaShop 1.6Sep 09, 2013
  3. Intégrer du contenu dans une page à l'aide de hooks

    Contenu Intégrer du contenu dans une page à l'aide de hooks Les points d'accroche, ou "hooks", permettent d'associer votre code à des évènements propres à PrestaShop. La plupart du temps, ils sont utilisés pour insérer du contenu dans la page. Par exemple, le thème par défaut de PrestaShop dispose des hooks suivants
    PrestaShop 1.5Mar 14, 2013
  4. Creating a PrestaShop 1.7 Payment Module

    PrestaShop 1.7 introduces a new payment API. Below, you’ll find information about how it works and also, how to migrate your module from PrestaShop 1.6 … : hookPaymentOptions() & hookPaymentReturn() and register these hooks. You must not have a submit button into your module’s HTML code. It will automatically
    PrestaShop 1.7Sep 20, 2017
  5. What is a PrestaShop module?

    interact with one or more “hooks”. Hooks enable you to hook/attach your code to the current View at the time of the code parsing (i.e., when displaying the cart or the product sheet, when displaying the current stock, etc.). Specifically, a hook is a shortcut to the various methods available from the Module object
    PrestaShop 1.7Sep 14, 2017
  6. Displaying content on the front office

    As it is, the module does not do much. In order to display something on the front office, we have to add support for a few hooks. This is done by implementing the hooks’ methods, and that was actually done in the install() method we wrote earlier, using the registerHook() method: public function install() { if (Shop
    PrestaShop 1.7Sep 20, 2017
  7. Displaying content on the front office

    As it is, the module does not do much. In order to display something on the front office, we have to add support for a few hooks. This is done by implementing the hooks' methods, and that was actually done in the install() method we wrote earlier, using the registerHook() method: public function install() { if (Shop
    PrestaShop 1.6Mar 16, 2015
  8. Displaying content on the front office -

    for a few hooks. This is done by implementing the hooks' methods, and that was actually done in the install() method we wrote earlier, using the registerHook() method … to the "leftColumn" and "header" hooks. In addition to this, we will add code for the "rightColumn" hook. Attaching code to a hook requires a specific method for each
    PrestaShop 1.6Jul 01, 2016
  9. Używanie PrestaShop1.6 z WordPress

    swojej własnej funkcji wywoływania PHP: PrestaShop 1.6 Przewodnik Projektanta: … (Uwaga: nie jest kompatybilny z PrestaShop 1.6+). Miksuj do woli Możesz chcieć mieszać obydwa motywy. Na przykład może chcesz zobaczyć
    PrestaShop 1.6Sep 08, 2016
  10. Making the Native Modules Work

    This chapter explores the configuration process of all the default modules in PrestaShop 1.6. There are more than 130 native modules available in 25 sections … ), and if so, updates the module. Manage hooks. This link is a shortcut to the "Positions" page, from the "Modules" menu. From there, you can change the location
    PrestaShop 1.6May 16, 2014