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  1. Créer un module PrestaShop

    g Tout module PrestaShop, une fois installé sur une boutique en ligne, peut interagir avec des "hooks", ou "point d'accroche". Un hook vous permet "d'accrocher … ...). Plus spécifiquement, un hook est un raccourci vers les différentes méthodes disponibles au sein de l'objet Module, telles qu'assignées à ce hook. Principes
    PrestaShop 1.5Feb 12, 2015
  2. Getting started with theme development

    defines all of the theme’s configuration and meta information, such as its version number, layouts, compatibility range, hook configuration, etc. Theme description … create hooks and attach modules to custom and existing hooks when the theme is enabled. global_settings: hooks: custom_hooks: - name: displayFooterBefore title
    PrestaShop 1.7Oct 05, 2017
  3. Front Office Features modules

    attach images with links on specific home page hooks: home, top, left, right, footer. Each available language has its own tab with its own hooks that you can … be displayed even when there is no product or even no product sale yet. The block is not present in the default theme at first. You will have to hook it to a location
    PrestaShop 1.6May 07, 2015
  4. Module zu Front-Office-Funktionen

    it possible for you to easily attach images with links on specific home page hooks: home, top, left, right, footer. Each available language has its own tab with its own hooks that you can edit from here. Top-sellers block Adds a block displaying the shop's top selling products. The configuration page enables you to set
    PrestaShop 1.6Mar 09, 2016
  5. Nos bons conseils Hook Mieux comprendre et utiliser les hooks
    PrestaShop 1.5Feb 07, 2013
  6. Overriding Files

    of controllers you can override and what each controller does. As an example, you can override the category listings to add a new hook for modules to use by creating … own code will run. The smarty line creates a new Smarty variable called HOOK_CATEGORY, then calls all modules that are installed in the category hook
    PrestaShop 1.4Aug 22, 2013
  7. Nos bons conseils Hook Mieux comprendre et utiliser les hooks
    PrestaShop 1.6Jun 26, 2014
  8. Creating a payment module

    Principles A payment module is a regular PrestaShop module, except that it extends the PaymentModule class instead of the Module class: class MyOWnPaymentMethod extends PaymentModule It can be attached to the following hooks: payment: to display the payment method. paymentReturn: to display the payment confirmation
    PrestaShop 1.6May 07, 2014
  9. Creating a payment module -

    Creating a payment module Principles A payment module is a regular PrestaShop module, except that it extends the PaymentModule class instead of the Module class: class MyOWnPaymentMethod extends PaymentModule It can be attached to the following hooks: payment: to display the payment method. paymentReturn: to display
    PrestaShop 1.6Jul 12, 2016
  10. Managing Modules

    all the blocks' positions on their respective hooks. The "Import/export a theme" module is a native module, and should be installed by default. This is a special … . Use with caution: your blocks might not have the expected position on their respective hooks. To install a new PrestaShop theme via FTP: Unzip (decompress
    PrestaShop 1.4Jan 22, 2014