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  1. Views within PrestaShop-

    office: /modules/blocklayered/views/templates/admin/view.tpl There's a third template folder, called /hook/, which can be used for view files that are tied to a specific hook. For instance, Best practices A view name is generally the same as the name for the code using it. For instance, 404.php uses 404.tpl. Overriding
    PrestaShop 1.6Jul 01, 2016
  2. PrestaShop-Guide-du-developpeur.pdf

    PrestaShop blockuserinfo : N'importe quel module PrestaShop, une fois installé sur une boutique en ligne, peut interagir avec un ou plusieurs "hooks", ou points … actuel...). Spécifiquement, un hook est un raccourci vers les différentes méthodes disponibles au sein de l'objet Module, telles qu'assignées à ce hook. Une liste
    PrestaShop 1.4 / … / _PDFfilesApr 02, 2013
  3. PrestaShop-Designer-Guide.pdf

    ), or install a browser extension, such as Firefox's FireShot or Screengrab. Integration: where the hooks and modules are One of the key point of integrating content within a PrestaShop theme is to know where said content is displayed, and therefore where the various hooks and modules are located. Here is a graphical
    PrestaShop 1.4 / … / _PDFfilesOct 12, 2011
  4. Our advices Hook Better understand and use "hooks
    PrestaShop 1.5Feb 18, 2013
  5. Using the Context Object

    $this->initContext(); Additionally, when rewriting you v1.5+ module in work to work in v1.4, you should use the older hook names, such as displayProductTab or displayProductTabContent. These two example hooks are respectively registered using the productTab and productTabContent calls, which are compatible for both v1.4
    PrestaShop 1.6May 02, 2014
  6. Our e-commerce advices

    Recommandations Hook Better understand and use "hooks
    PrestaShop 1.6Nov 12, 2014
  7. Onze e-commerce adviezen

    Design Tips A Few Design Tips : Technical Recommandations Hook Better understand and use "hooks"
    PrestaShop 1.6Sep 09, 2015
  8. Using the Context Object -

    $this->initContext(); Additionally, when rewriting you v1.5+ module in work to work in v1.4, you should use the older hook names, such as displayProductTab or displayProductTabContent. These two example hooks are respectively registered using the productTab and productTabContent calls, which are compatible for both v1.4
    PrestaShop 1.6Jul 12, 2016
  9. Using the Context Object

    $this->initContext(); Additionally, when rewriting you v1.5 module in work to work in v1.4, you should use the older hook names, such as displayProductTab or displayProductTabContent. These two example hooks are respectively registered using the productTab and productTabContent calls, which are compatible for both v1.4
    PrestaShop 1.5Mar 06, 2013
  10. Our e-commerce advices -

    Recommandations Hook Better understand and use "hooks
    PrestaShop 1.6Jul 12, 2016