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  1. Módulos de transportistas - funciones, creación y configuración Prefacio Tenga en cuenta que este artículo está dirigido a desarrolladores avanzados (el conocimiento de los hook, el objeto Transportista ...) y se aplica a PrestaShop 1.4 y versiones posteriores. Para saber lo que es un hook, le recomiendo leer el artículo de Julien Breux aquí
    PrestaShop 1.4Mar 09, 2012
  2. Making the Native Modules Work

    ), and if so, updates the module. Manage hooks. This link is a shortcut to the "Positions" page, from the "Modules" menu. From there, you can change the location of the module's interface on the front-end of your shop, or launch the Live Edit tool. The "Positions" page is configured so that you only the hooks available
    PrestaShop 1.6May 16, 2014
  3. Creating a carrier module

    extends CarrierModule It can be attached to the following hooks: extraCarrier: to display the shipping price depending on the ranges that were set in the back … the change of the carrier's ID To control the change of the carrier's ID (id_carrier), the module must use the updateCarrier hook. For instance: public function
    PrestaShop 1.6Mar 18, 2015
  4. Creating a carrier module -

    class: class MyOwnCarrier extends CarrierModule It can be attached to the following hooks: extraCarrier: to display the shipping price depending on the ranges … and be enabled. Controlling the change of the carrier's ID To control the change of the carrier's ID (id_carrier), the module must use the updateCarrier hook
    PrestaShop 1.6Jul 12, 2016
  5. Migrating a module from 1.6 to 1.7

    templates: fetch(module:modulename/views/template.tpl) make sure you don't add your assets with hardcoded path in displayHeader hook (no change but it’s bad … on the version Implements getWidgetVariables and renderWidget but dont explicitly implements the php interface. Create all specific hook method like
    PrestaShop 1.7Nov 16, 2017
  6. Używanie PrestaShop1.6 z WordPress

    instalacji WordPress: Integracja PrestaShop widżet Hook: Możesz zintegrować każdy z czterech hooków PrestaShop do dowolnych motywów WordPress: Na górze stron … z hooks PrestaShop. Integracja widżetu Produktów PrestaShop: Wyświetlić liste produktów dołączanych w post WordPress. [ps_product_list] shortcode: Te hooks
    PrestaShop 1.6Sep 08, 2016
  7. Les modules transporteurs - fonctionnement, création, configuration Préambule Attention cet article est à l'attention de développeurs avancés (connaissance des hooks, de l'objet Carrier, ...) et est valable à partir de la version 1.4 de PrestaShop. Pour savoir ce qu'est un hook, je vous conseille de vous reporter à l'article de Julien Breux
    PrestaShop 1.4Nov 03, 2011
  8. Caractéristiques d'un thème front-office

    dossiers /views/templates/front, /views/templates/admin et /views/templates/hooks. Par exemple, le module Bankwire dispose des fichiers template suivants : /modules/bankwire/views/templates/front/payment_execution.tpl /modules/bankwire/views/templates/hook/payment.tpl /modules/bankwire/views/templates/hook
    PrestaShop 1.5Sep 04, 2013
  9. Views within PrestaShop

    office: /modules/blocklayered/views/templates/admin/view.tpl There's a third template folder, called /hook/, which can be used for view files that are tied to a specific hook. For instance, Best practices A view name is generally the same as the name for the code using it. For instance, 404.php uses 404.tpl. Overriding
    PrestaShop 1.6May 05, 2015
  10. Funktionen der Standardmodule

    Version des Moduls (entweder im PrestaShop-Repository oder auf dem Addons Marktplatz) verfügbar ist, und wenn ja, wird das Modul aktualisiert. Hooks verwalten … ändern oder das Live Edit-Tool starten. Die "Positionen" Seite ist so konfiguriert, dass Sie nur die Hooks des aktuell ausgewählten Moduls anzeigt. Zurück. Ein
    PrestaShop 1.6Mar 17, 2016