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  1. Carrier modules - functions, creation and configuration

    (knowledge of hooks, the Carrier object...) and applies to PrestaShop 1.4 and later. To find out what a hook is, I recommend reading the article by Julien Breux here: Understanding and using hooks On a basic level PrestaShop lets you create carriers and configure how shipping fees are calculated based on weight
    PrestaShop 1.4Oct 27, 2011
  2. Plonger dans le développement PrestaShop

    correspond pas, le client sera déconnecté et son cookie effacé. Les hooks Les hooks sont une manière d'associer du code à des évènements PrestaShop spécifiques. La plupart du temps, ils sont utilisés pour insérer du contenu dans une page. Par exemple, la page d'accueil du thème par défaut de PrestaShop dispose des hooks
    PrestaShop 1.5Aug 25, 2014
  3. Creating a PrestaShop module

    interact with one or more "hooks". Hooks enable you to "hook" your code to the current View at the time of the code parsing (i.e., when displaying the cart or the product sheet, when displaying the current stock...). Specifically, a hook is a shortcut to the various methods available from the Module object, as assigned
    PrestaShop 1.5Feb 12, 2015
  4. Creating Modules

    in left column and header hooks, and set variables to their default values. If any of these return false, then the install() function will return false, which … will now save the configuration settings. Adding the Hooks Although your module now has a fully working configuration page, it doesn’t do anything on the website
    PrestaShop 1.4Aug 26, 2013
  5. Using PrestaShop with WordPress adds 3 widgets and a shortcode to your WordPress installation: PrestaShop Integration Hook widget: you can integrate the content of any of four PrestaShop hooks into any WordPress theme: Top of pages, Left column block, Right column block, Footer. PrestaShop Integration Module widget: you can
    PrestaShop 1.5Oct 22, 2013
  6. Templates & layouts

    ="{$page.body_classes|classnames}"> {hook h='displayAfterBodyOpeningTag'} <main> <header id="header"> {block name='header'} {include file='_partials/header.tpl'} {/block} </header … ="left-column"> {if $page.page_name == 'product'} {hook h='displayLeftColumnProduct'} {else} {hook h="displayLeftColumn"} {/if} </div> {/block} {block name
    PrestaShop 1.7Sep 28, 2017
  7. What is a PrestaShop module?

    module: devModule-userinfoFolder.png Any PrestaShop module, once installed on an online shop, can interact with one or more "hooks". Hooks enable you to hook … .). Specifically, a hook is a shortcut to the various methods available from the Module object, as assigned to that hook. Modules' operating principles Modules
    PrestaShop 1.6May 05, 2015
  8. What is a PrestaShop module?-

    with PrestaShop's blockuserinfo module: devModule-userinfoFolder.png Any PrestaShop module, once installed on an online shop, can interact with one or more "hooks". Hooks enable you to hook/attach your code to the current View at the time of the code parsing (i.e., when displaying the cart or the product sheet, when
    PrestaShop 1.6Jul 01, 2016
  9. Characteristics of a front-office theme

    , in their /views/templates/front, /views/templates/admin and /views/templates/hooks folders. For instance, the Bankwire module has the following template files: /modules/bankwire/views/templates/front/payment_execution.tpl /modules/bankwire/views/templates/hook/payment.tpl /modules/bankwire/views/templates/hook
    PrestaShop 1.5Aug 27, 2013
  10. What is a PrestaShop module?

    interact with one or more “hooks”. Hooks enable you to hook/attach your code to the current View at the time of the code parsing (i.e., when displaying the cart or the product sheet, when displaying the current stock, etc.). Specifically, a hook is a shortcut to the various methods available from the Module object
    PrestaShop 1.7Sep 14, 2017