PrestaShop 1.7.1.x

Naming scheme

Updated Hooks

A couple of hooks were modified between 1.7.0.x and 1.7.1.x.

Full list of Hooks

Hook nameSinceDescriptionFile(s)What to expect in $params
action<AdminControllerName><Action>After Called after performing <Action> in any <AdminController>/classes/controller/AdminController.phparray(
'controller' => (AdminController),
'return' => (mixed)
action<AdminControllerName><Action>Before Called before performing <Action> in any <AdminController>/classes/controller/AdminController.phparray(
'controller' => (AdminController)
action<AdminControllerName>FormModifier Called when rendering a form in any <AdminController>/classes/controller/AdminController.php

'object' => &(ObjectModel),
'fields' => &(array),
'fields_value' => &(array),
'form_vars' => &(array),

action<AdminControllerName>ListingFieldsModifier  /classes/controller/AdminController.phparray(
'select' => &(string),
'join' => &(string),

'where' => &(string),
'group_by' => &(string),
'order_by' => &(string),
'order_way' => &(string),
'fields' => &(array)
action<AdminControllerName>OptionsModifier  /classes/controller/AdminController.php

'options' => &(array),
'option_vars' => &(array),

actionAdmin<Action>After Called after performing <Action> in any admin controller/classes/controller/AdminController.php

'controller' => (AdminController),
'return' => (mixed)

actionAdmin<Action>Before Called before performing <Action> in any admin controller/classes/controller/AdminController.phparray(
'controller' => (AdminController)
actionAdminControllerSetMedia  /classes/controller/AdminController.phpN/A
actionAdminLoginControllerSetMedia Called after adding media to admin login page header/controllers/admin/AdminLoginController.phpN/A
actionAdminMetaAfterWriteRobotsFile Called after generating the robots.txt file/classes/Tools.php

'rb_data' => (array) File data,
'write_fd' => &(resource) File handle

actionAdminMetaBeforeWriteRobotsFile Called before generating the robots.txt file/classes/Tools.phparray(
'rb_data' => &(array) File data
actionAdminMetaSave Called after saving the configuration in AdminMeta/controllers/admin/AdminMetaController.phpN/A
actionAdminOrdersTrackingNumberUpdate  /controllers/admin/AdminOrdersController.php

'order' => (Order),
'customer' => (Customer),
'carrier' => (Carrier)

actionAdminProductsListingFieldsModifier  /src/Adapter/Product/AdminProductDataProvider.php

'_ps_version' => (string) PrestaShop version,
'sql_select' => &(array),
'sql_table' => &(array),
'sql_where' => &(array),
'sql_order' => &(array),
'sql_limit' => &(string),

actionAdminProductsListingResultsModifier  /src/Adapter/Product/AdminProductDataProvider.php

'_ps_version' => (string) PrestaShop version,
'products' => &(PDOStatement),
'total' => (int),

actionAdminThemesControllerUpdate_optionsAfter  /controllers/admin/AdminThemesController.phpN/A
actionAjaxDie<ControllerName><Method>Before  /classes/controller/Controller.phparray(
'value' => (string)
actionAjaxDieBefore (deprecated since  /classes/controller/Controller.php 
actionAttributeCombinationDelete  /classes/Combination.php 
actionAttributeCombinationSave  /classes/Combination.php 
actionAttributeDelete Called when deleting an attributes features value/classes/Attribute.php 
actionAttributeGroupDelete Called while deleting an attributes group/classes/AttributeGroup.php 
actionAttributeGroupSave Called while saving an attributes group/classes/AttributeGroup.php 
actionAttributeSave Called while saving an attributes features value/classes/Attribute.php 
actionAuthentication After successful customer authentication/classes/form/CustomerLoginForm.php 
actionAuthenticationBefore Before a customer successfully signs in/classes/form/CustomerLoginForm.php 
(deprecated since
→ actionAjaxDie<ControllerName><Method>Before
actionBeforeCartUpdateQty  /classes/Cart.php 
actionCarrierProcess Carrier process/classes/checkout/CheckoutDeliveryStep.php 
actionCarrierUpdate This hook is called when a carrier is updated/controllers/admin/AdminCarrierWizardController.php
actionCartSave After a product is added to the cart or if the cart's content is modified/classes/Cart.php 
actionCartSummary  /classes/Cart.php 
actionCartUpdateQuantityBefore  /classes/Cart.php 
actionCategoryAdd When a category is created/classes/Category.php 
actionCategoryDelete When a category is deleted/classes/Category.php 
actionCategoryUpdate When a category is modified/classes/Category.php
actionClearCache1.7.1When smarty's cache is cleared/classes/Tools.php 
actionClearCompileCache1.7.1When smarty's compile cache is cleared/classes/Tools.php 
actionClearSf2Cache1.7.1Wwhen the Symfony cache is cleared/classes/Tools.php 
actionCustomerAccountAdd When a new customer creates an account successfully/classes/form/CustomerPersister.php
    '_POST' => (array) $_POST,
    'newCustomer' => (object) Customer object
actionCustomerAccountUpdate When a customer updates its account successfully/classes/form/CustomerPersister.php 
actionCustomerAddGroups  /classes/Customer.php 
actionCustomerBeforeUpdateGroup  /classes/Customer.php 
actionCustomerLogoutAfter  /classes/Customer.php 
actionCustomerLogoutBefore  /classes/Customer.php 
actionDeliveryPriceByPrice  /classes/Carrier.php 
actionDeliveryPriceByWeight  /classes/Carrier.php 
actionDispatcher  /classes/Dispatcher.php 
actionDispatcherAfter1.7.1This hook is called at the end of the dispatch method of the Dispatcher/classes/Dispatcher.php 
actionDispatcherBefore1.7.1This hook is called at the beginning of the dispatch method of the Dispatcher/classes/Dispatcher.php 
actionDownloadAttachment  /controllers/front/AttachmentController.php 
actionEmailAddAfterContent Add extra content after mail content
This hook is called just after fetching mail template
actionEmailAddBeforeContent Add extra content before mail content
This hook is called just before fetching mail template
actionEmailSendBefore Before sending an email
This hook is used to filter the content or the metadata of an email before sending it or even prevent its sending
actionFeatureDelete This hook is called while deleting an attributes features/classes/Feature.php 
actionFeatureSave This hook is called while saving an attributes features/classes/Feature.php 
actionFeatureValueDelete This hook is called while deleting an attributes features value/classes/FeatureValue.php 
actionFeatureValueSave This hook is called while saving an attributes features value/classes/FeatureValue.php 
actionFrontControllerSetMedia  /classes/controller/FrontController.php 
actionGetExtraMailTemplateVars  /classes/Mail.php 
actionGetIDZoneByAddressID  /classes/Address.php 
actionGetProductPropertiesAfter  /classes/Product.php 
actionGetProductPropertiesBefore  /classes/Product.php 
actionHtaccessCreate After .htaccess creation/classes/Tools.php 
actionInvoiceNumberFormatted  /classes/order/OrderInvoice.php 
actionModuleInstallAfter  /classes/module/Module.php 
actionModuleInstallBefore  /classes/module/Module.php 
actionModuleRegisterHookAfter  /classes/Hook.php 
actionModuleRegisterHookBefore  /classes/Hook.php 
actionModuleUnRegisterHookAfter  /classes/Hook.php 
actionModuleUnRegisterHookBefore  /classes/Hook.php 
actionObject  /classes/ObjectModel.php 
actionObjectAddAfter  /classes/ObjectModel.php 
actionObjectAddBefore  /classes/ObjectModel.php 
actionObjectAttributeAddBefore  /controllers/admin/AdminAttributesGroupsController.php 
actionObjectAttributeGroupAddBefore  /controllers/admin/AdminAttributesGroupsController.php 
actionObjectDeleteAfter  /classes/ObjectModel.php 
actionObjectDeleteBefore  /classes/ObjectModel.php 
actionObjectProductInCartDeleteAfter1.7.1This hook is called after a product is removed from a cart/controllers/front/CartController.php 
actionObjectProductInCartDeleteBefore1.7.1This hook is called before a product is removed from a cart/controllers/front/CartController.php 
actionObjectUpdateAfter  /classes/ObjectModel.php 
actionObjectUpdateBefore  /classes/ObjectModel.php 
actionOnImageCutAfter  /classes/ImageManager.php 
actionOnImageResizeAfter  /classes/ImageManager.php 
actionOrderEdited This hook is called when an order is edited/controllers/admin/AdminOrdersController.php

'order' => (object) Order


actionOrderHistoryAddAfter This hook is displayed when a customer returns a product/classes/order/OrderHistory.php 
actionOrderReturn Called after a new Order Return has been made./controllers/front/OrderFollowController.php
    'orderReturn' => (object) OrderReturn

Called when the quantity of a product changes in an order.

WARNING: only invoked when a product is actually removed from an order.

    'order' => Order,
    'productList' => array(
        (int) product ID 1,
(int) product ID 2,
(int) product ID n ), 'qtyList' => array( (int) quantity 1,
(int) quantity 2,
(int) quantity n 

The order of IDs and quantities is important!

actionOrderStatusPostUpdate Called after the status of an order changes./classes/order/OrderHistory.php
    'newOrderStatus' => (object) OrderState,
'id_order' => (int) Order ID
actionOrderStatusUpdate Called before the status of an order changes./classes/order/OrderHistory.php
    'newOrderStatus' => (object) OrderState,
    'id_order' => (int) Order ID
actionOutputHTMLBefore1.7.1Before HTML output
This hook is used to filter the whole HTML page before it is rendered (only front)
actionPasswordRenew  /controllers/front/PasswordController.php 
actionPaymentCCAdd Payment CC added/classes/order/OrderPayment.php
    'paymentCC' => (object) OrderPayment object
actionPaymentConfirmation Called after a payment has been validated/classes/order/OrderHistory.php
    'id_order' => (int) Order ID
actionPDFInvoiceRender  /classes/PaymentModule.php
actionProductAdd This hook is displayed after a product is created/controllers/admin/AdminProductsController.php 
actionProductAttributeDelete This hook is displayed when a product's attribute is deleted/classes/Product.php 
actionProductAttributeUpdate This hook is displayed when a product's attribute is updated/classes/Product.php 
actionProductCancel This hook is called when you cancel a product in an order/controllers/admin/AdminOrdersController.php 
actionProductCoverage  /classes/stock/StockManager.php 
actionProductDelete This hook is called when a product is deleted/classes/Product.php 
actionProductOutOfStock This hook displays new action buttons if a product is out of stock/themes/classic/templates/catalog/_partials/product-details.tpl
actionProductSave This hook is called while saving products/classes/Product.php 
actionProductSearchAfter1.7.1This hook is called after the product search. Parameters are already filter/classes/controller/ProductListingFrontController.php 
actionProductUpdate This hook is displayed after a product has been updated/classes/Product.php
actionSearch1.7.1After the search in the store. Includes both instant and normal search./src/Adapter/Search/SearchProductSearchProvider.php
    'expr' => (string) Search query,
    'total' => (int) Amount of search results
actionSetInvoice  /classes/order/Order.php 
actionShopDataDuplication After duplicating a shop./classes/shop/Shop.php
    'old_id_shop' => (int) Old shop ID,
    'new_id_shop' => (int) New shop ID
actionSubmitAccountBefore1.7.1 /controllers/front/AuthController.php 
actionUpdateLangAfter1.7.1Update "lang" tables after adding or updating a language/classes/Language.php 
actionUpdateQuantity After updating the quantity of a product.
Quantity is updated only when a customer effectively places their order
    'id_product' => (int) Product ID,
    'id_product_attribute' => (int) Product attribute ID,
    'quantity' => (int) New product quantity
actionValidateCustomerAddressForm This hook is called when a customer submit its address form/classes/form/CustomerAddressForm.php
    'cart' => (object) Cart,
    'order' => (object) Order,
    'customer' => (object) Customer,
    'currency' => (object) Currency,
    'orderStatus' => (object) OrderState
actionValidateOrder After an order has been validated.
Doesn't necessarily have to be paid.
actionWatermark After a watermark has been added to an image./classes/FileUploader.php
    'id_image' => (int) Image ID,
    'id_product' => (int) Product ID
additionalCustomerFormFields Add fields to the Customer form
This hook returns an array of FormFields to add them to the customer registration form
addWebserviceResources This hook is called when webservice resources list in webservice controller/classes/webservice/WebserviceRequest.php 
dashboardData  /controllers/admin/AdminDashboardController.php 
dashboardZoneOne  /controllers/admin/AdminDashboardController.php 
dashboardZoneTwo  /controllers/admin/AdminDashboardController.php 
displayAdminAfterHeader  admin-dev/themes/default/template/header.tpl
displayAdminCustomers Display new elements in the Back Office, tab AdminCustomers
This hook launches modules when the AdminCustomers tab is displayed in the Back Office
'id_customer' = (int) Customer ID
displayAdminForm  admin-dev/themes/default/template/helpers/form/form.tpl 
displayAdminListAfter  admin-dev/themes/default/template/controllers/countries/helpers/list/list_footer.tpl
displayAdminListBefore  admin-dev/themes/default/template/controllers/tax_rules/helpers/list/list_header.tpl
displayAdminLogin  admin-dev/themes/default/template/controllers/login/content.tpl 
displayAdminNavBarBeforeEnd Display new elements in the Back Office, tab AdminCustomers
This hook launches modules when the AdminCustomers tab is displayed in the Back Office
displayAdminOptions  admin-dev/themes/default/template/helpers/options/options.tpl 
displayAdminOrder Display new elements in the Back Office, tab AdminOrder
This hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office
'id_order' = (int) Order ID
displayAdminOrderContentOrder Display new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel Order
This hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office and extends / override Order panel content
displayAdminOrderContentShip Display new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel Shipping
This hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office and extends / override Shipping panel content
displayAdminOrderLeft  admin-dev/themes/default/template/controllers/orders/helpers/view/view.tpl 
displayAdminOrderRight  admin-dev/themes/default/template/controllers/orders/helpers/view/view.tpl 
displayAdminOrderTabOrder Display new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel Order
This hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office and extends / override Order panel tabs
displayAdminOrderTabShip Display new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel Shipping
This hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office and extends / override Shipping panel tabs
displayAdminProductsCombinationBottom  /src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Product/Include/form_combination.html.twig 
displayAdminProductsMainStepLeftColumnBottom Display new elements in back office product page, left column of
This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed
displayAdminProductsMainStepLeftColumnMiddle Display new elements in back office product page, left column of
This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed
displayAdminProductsMainStepRightColumnBottom Display new elements in back office product page, right column of
This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed
displayAdminProductsOptionsStepBottom Display new elements in back office product page, Options tab
This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed
displayAdminProductsOptionsStepTop Display new elements in back office product page, Options tab
This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed
displayAdminProductsPriceStepBottom Display new elements in back office product page, Price tab
This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed
displayAdminProductsQuantitiesStepBottom Display new elements in back office product page, Quantities/Com
This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed
displayAdminProductsSeoStepBottom Display new elements in back office product page, SEO tab
This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed
displayAdminProductsShippingStepBottom Display new elements in back office product page, Shipping tab
This hook launches modules when the back office product page is displayed
displayAdminStatsModules  /controllers/admin/AdminStatsTabController.php 
displayAdminView  admin-dev/themes/default/template/helpers/view/view.tpl 
displayAfterBodyOpeningTag Very top of pages
Use this hook for advertisement or modals you want to load first
displayAfterCarrier After carriers list
This hook is displayed after the carrier list in Front Office
displayAfterProductThumbs1.7.1Display extra content below product thumbs
This hook displays new elements below product images ex. additional media
displayAfterThemeInstallation  admin-dev/themes/default/template/controllers/themes/helpers/view/view.tpl 
displayAttributeForm Add fields to the form 'attribute value'
This hook adds fields to the form 'attribute value'
displayAttributeGroupForm Add fields to the form 'attribute group'
This hook adds fields to the form 'attribute group'
displayBackOfficeCategory Display new elements in the Back Office, tab AdminCategories
This hook launches modules when the AdminCategories tab is displayed in the Back Office
displayBackOfficeFooter Displayed within the admin panel's footeradmin-dev/themes/default/template/footer.tpl

Displayed between the <head></head> tags on every Back Office page (when logged in).

displayBackOfficeOrderActions  admin-dev/themes/default/template/controllers/orders/helpers/view/view.tpl 
displayBackOfficeTop Shown above the actual content of a Back Office page/classes/controller/AdminController.php 
displayBanner1.7.1 /themes/classic/templates/_partials/header.tpl 
displayBeforeBodyClosingTag Very bottom of pages
Use this hook for your modals or any content you want to load at the very end
displayBeforeCarrier This hook is displayed before the carrier list on the Front Office/classes/checkout/CheckoutDeliveryStep.php
    'carriers' => array(
            'name' => (string) Name,
            'img' => (string) Image URL,
            'delay' => (string) Delay text,
            'price' =>  (float) Total price with tax,
            'price_tax_exc' => (float) Total price without tax,
            'id_carrier' => (int) intified option delivery identifier,
            'id_module' => (int) Module ID
    'checked' => (int) intified selected carriers,
    'delivery_option_list' => array(array(
        0 => array( // First address
            '12,' => array( // First delivery option available for this address
                 carrier_list => array(
                     12 => array( // First carrier for this option
                         'instance' => Carrier Object,
                         'logo' => <url to the carrier's logo>,
                         'price_with_tax' => 12.4, // Example
                         'price_without_tax' => 12.4, // Example
                         'package_list' => array(
                             1, // Example
                             3, // Example
                 is_best_grade => true, // Does this option have the biggest grade (quick shipping) for this shipping address
                 is_best_price => true, // Does this option have the lower price for this shipping address
                 unique_carrier => true, // Does this option use a unique carrier
                 total_price_with_tax => 12.5,
                 total_price_without_tax => 12.5,
                 position => 5, // Average of the carrier position
     'delivery_option' => array(
         '<id_address>' => Delivery option,

NOTE: intified means an array of integers 'intified' by Cart::intifier

displayCarrierExtraContent Display additional content for a carrier (e.g pickup points)
This hook calls only the module related to the carrier, in order to add options when needed
displayCarrierList Display extra carriers in the carrier list./classes/Cart.php
    'address' => (object) Address object
displayCartExtraProductActions Extra buttons in shopping cart
This hook adds extra buttons to the product lines, in the shopping cart
displayCheckoutSubtotalDetails  /themes/classic/templates/checkout/_partials/cart-detailed-totals.tpl 
displayCheckoutSummaryTop  /themes/classic/templates/checkout/_partials/cart-summary.tpl 
displayCMSDisputeInformation  /themes/classic/templates/cms/page.tpl 
displayCMSPrintButton  /themes/classic/templates/cms/page.tpl 
displayCrossSellingShoppingCart  themes/classic/templates/checkout/cart-empty.tpl 
displayContentWrapperBottom Content wrapper section (bottom)
This hook displays new elements in the bottom of the content wrapper
displayContentWrapperTop Content wrapper section (top)
This hook displays new elements in the top of the content wrapper
displayCrossSellingShoppingCart  /themes/classic/templates/checkout/cart-empty.tpl 
displayCustomerAccount Displays new elements on the customer account page in Front Office/themes/classic/templates/customer/my-account.tpl 

Displays information on the customer account creation form

displayCustomerAccountFormTop Displayed above the customer's account creation form/controllers/front/AuthController.php 
displayCustomerLoginFormAfter Displays new elements after the login form/themes/classic/templates/customer/authentication.tpl 
displayCustomization  /classes/Product.php 
displayDashboardTop Dashboard Top
Displays the content in the dashboard's top area
displayExpressCheckout  /themes/classic/templates/checkout/_partials/cart-detailed-actions.tpl 
displayFeatureForm Add fields to the form 'feature'
This hook adds fields to the form 'feature'
displayFeaturePostProcess On post-process in admin feature
This hook is called on post-process in admin feature
displayFeatureValueForm Add fields to the form 'feature value'
This hook adds fields to the form 'feature value'
displayFeatureValuePostProcess On post-process in admin feature value
This hook is called on post-process in admin feature value
displayFooter Displays new blocks in the footer/themes/classic/templates/_partials/footer.tpl 
displayFooterAfter  /themes/classic/templates/_partials/footer.tpl 
displayFooterBefore  /themes/classic/templates/_partials/footer.tpl 
displayFooterProduct Added under the product's description/themes/classic/templates/catalog/product.tpl 
displayHeader Added in the header of every page/classes/controller/FrontController.php 
displayHome Displayed on the content of the home page./controllers/front/IndexController.php 
displayInvoice Invoice
This hook displays new blocks on the invoice (order)
displayInvoiceLegalFreeText PDF Invoice - Legal Free Text
This hook allows you to modify the legal free text on PDF invoices
displayLeftColumn Displays new elements in the left-hand column/themes/classic/templates/layouts/layout-both-columns.tpl 
displayLeftColumnProduct Displays new elements in the left-hand column of the product page/themes/classic/templates/layouts/layout-both-columns.tpl 
displayMaintenance Maintenance Page
This hook displays new elements on the maintenance page
displayMyAccountBlock Displays extra information within the "my account: block/themes/classic/modules/ps_customeraccountlinks/ps_customeraccountlinks.tpl 
displayNav1  /themes/classic/templates/_partials/header.tpl
displayNav2  /themes/classic/templates/_partials/header.tpl
displayNavFullWidth Navigation
This hook displays full width navigation menu at the top of your pages
displayNotFound  /themes/classic/templates/errors/not-found.tpl 
displayOrderConfirmation Called within an order's confirmation page/controllers/front/OrderConfirmationController.php
    'total_to_pay' => (float) Total amount with tax,
    'currency' => (string) Currency sign,
    'objOrder' => (object) Order,
    'currencyObj' => (object) Currency
displayOrderConfirmation1  /themes/classic/templates/checkout/order-confirmation.tpl 
displayOrderConfirmation2  /themes/classic/templates/checkout/order-confirmation.tpl 
displayOrderDetail Displayed within the order's details in Front Office/controllers/front/GuestTrackingController.php
    'order' => (object) Order object
displayPaymentByBinaries Payment form generated by binaries
This hook displays form generated by binaries during the checkout
displayPaymentEU  /modules/ps_legalcompliance/ps_legalcompliance.php 
displayPaymentReturn Payment return/controllers/front/OrderConfirmationController.php 
displayPaymentTop Top of payment page
This hook is displayed at the top of the payment page
displayProductAdditionalInfo1.7.1Product page additional info
This hook adds additional information on the product page
displayProductListReviews1.7.1 /themes/classic/templates/catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl 
displayProductPriceBlock  /themes/classic/templates/catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl
displayReassurance  /themes/classic/templates/catalog/product.tpl
displayRightColumn Displays new elements in the right-hand column/themes/classic/templates/layouts/layout-both-columns.tpl
    'cart' => (object) Cart object

Note that the Cart object can also be retrieved from the current Context.

displayRightColumnProduct Displays new elements in the right-hand column of the product page/themes/classic/templates/layouts/layout-both-columns.tpl 
displaySearch  /themes/classic/templates/errors/not-found.tpl 
displayShoppingCart Displays new action buttons within the shopping cart/themes/classic/templates/checkout/cart.tpl 
displayShoppingCartFooter Shopping cart footer
This hook displays some specific information on the shopping cart's page
displayTop Top of pages
This hook displays additional elements at the top of your pages
displayWrapperBottom Main wrapper section (bottom)
This hook displays new elements in the bottom of the main wrapper
displayWrapperTop Main wrapper section (top)
This hook displays new elements in the top of the main wrapper
filterCmsCategoryContent Filter the content page category
This hook is called just before fetching content page category
filterCmsContent Filter the content page
This hook is called just before fetching content page
filterHtmlContent Filter HTML field before rending a page
This hook is called just before fetching a page on HTML field
filterManufacturerContent Filter the content page manufacturer
This hook is called just before fetching content page manufacturer
filterProductContent Filter the content page product
This hook is called just before fetching content page product
filterProductSearch1.7.1 /classes/controller/ProductListingFrontController.php 
filterSupplierContent  /controllers/front/listing/SupplierController.php 
moduleRoutes  /classes/Dispatcher.php 
overrideMinimalPurchasePrice  /classes/controller/ModuleFrontController.php
sendMailAlterTemplateVars  /prestashop/classes/Mail.php 
termsAndConditions  /classes/checkout/ConditionsToApproveFinder.php 
updateProduct  /classes/Product.php
validateCustomerFormFields  /classes/form/CustomerForm.php