Configurar la URL de una tienda

Cada tienda puede tener su propia URL – o incluso varias URLs – totalmente independiente de la tienda principal.
Debe definir al menos una URL para cada tienda.

Dos tiendas no pueden compartir la misma URL. Si trata de dar a una nueva tienda una URL que ya está siendo usada por otra tienda, PrestaShop mostrará un error en pantalla.
Por otra parte, puede tener tantas tiendas como desee en el mismo dominio:

Do not create any subdomain or subfolder yourself, either on your server or your computer: PrestaShop takes care of creating the path for you on your server. When the customer requests this path, PrestaShop will recognize the shop and serve the files and data for the correct store automatically.

Of course, a shop can also have its own domain name.

In case you want to use a different domain name for your supplemental shop rather than a subdomain/subfolder, you must configure your domain to point to the folder where PrestaShop is located. The URL rewriting is then done by PrestaShop itself.

Alternatively, you can create an alias for your domain name that redirects to absolute URL where your installation of PrestaShop is located. The way to achieve this depends on the control panel and options that your hosting company provides you with: "Alias" for Plesk, "Forward" for CPanel, "Aliasdomain" for ISPConfig, etc.

To add a URL to a shop, select the shop in the "Multistore tree" selector, and then click on the "Add new URL" button. PrestaShop will load a screen with two sections and eight options: