Podręcznik sprzedawcy

Analiza klienta

Należy zwrócić uwagę, że odwiedzający i klienci to całkowicie odrębne podmioty. 

Odwiedzający to osoba nieznana (jeszcze niezarejestrowana lub niezalogowana), która przegląda Twój sklep.
Klient natomiast jest już rozpoznany przez sklep (zarejestrowany lub zalogowany).

Przyciąganie odwiedzających

Zwiększanie liczby odwiedzających samo w sobie nie ma znaczenia. Służy jedynie jako wskaźnik zmian popularności sklepu w danym okresie.

Pozyskiwanie nowych subskrybentów

Jeśli pozwolisz, by sklep żył własnym życiem, nie zmieniając niczego, liczba subskrybentów powinna być stała, ewentualnie odrobinę malejąca. 
Znaczny wzrost lub radykalny spadek są sygnałami zmiany w Twoim sklepie. 

Wiele czynników może wywoływać tego typu zmiany:

Impuls zakupowy czy zaplanowana decyzja?

Kupujący określany jest jako "spontaniczny" (lub "impulsywny"), gdy dokonuje nieplanowanego wcześniej zakupu, na sam widok produktu lub jego warunków zakupu (aktualna promocja, opis, zdjęcie, cena...).

Zakupy nazywane są zaplanowanymi wtedy, gdy konsument poświęca czas na:

Uwzględnianie profilu kupującego

Należy zatem brać pod uwagę znaczenie informacji prezentowanych każdemu z typów konsumentów.


Lojalność klientów

Wysłanie klientowi prezentu urodzinowego jest sposobem na zyskanie jego lojalności. 

Utrzymanie klienta przynosi więcej zysków niż pozyskanie nowego. Ważne jest zatem przekonanie go do powrotu do Twojego sklepu. 

Przekazanie informacji ustnej również jest sposobem na zwiększenie satysfakcji klientów: niezadowolony klient nie przyciągnie nowych.

Można to osiągnąć na kilka sposobów:

Działania sporadyczne

Nagrody w postaci rzeczowej (ukierunkowane promocje i spersonalizowane prezenty - zarówno produkty jaki usługi), nagrody nierzeczowe (priorytetowa obsługa zamówienia lub produktu), nagrody pieniężne (vouchery, obniżki, kompensaty).

Działania długotrwałe

Karty i punkty lojalnościowe, które nie tylko wspierają komunikację między sprzedawcą a kupującym, ale także przynoszą konsumentom korzyści (oferty indywidualne, obniżki). 
Takie działania nie tylko zachęcają klienta do zakupów, ale skłaniają również do systematycznego powrotu do sklepu.

Ożywienie sklepu

Oferty i reklamy przyciągają klientów i odwiedzających, generując ruch w Twoim sklepie. 

Istnieje kilka sposobów, by ożywić sklep:


Wysyłaj wszystkim swoim klientom regularne maile po to, by informować ich o nowych produktach lub poruszyć określoną kwestię. 

Sondaże i ankiety

Angażuj użytkowników, pytając ich o to, w jaki sposób korzystają ze sklepu. 
Pomogą w tym sondaże i ankiety badające satysfakcję klientów. 


Organizuj gry i konkursy w Twoim sklepie, niezależnie od tego, czy miałyby mieć charakter promocyjny, czy nie. Nie tylko ożywią one stronę, ale również pomogą w zwiększeniu ruchu i przyczynią się do budowania lojalności.

Forum dyskusyjne

Miejsce, w którym odwiedzający i konsumenci mają możliwość zamieszczania i odczytywania informacji o sklepie to idealne rozwiązanie, by uczynić sklep bardziej interaktywnym i zachęcić użytkowników do komunikacji z Tobą. 


Dyskusja na żywo może doprowadzić nawet do wprowadzenia nowych usług (takich jak pomoc czy wsparcie online). 

Targeting customers

In order for each of your messages to have an impact, you must know which type of customers you are addressing.
Knowing your audience is essential to choose the right tools and convince each target audience.
Restricting the scope of your communication to a group of customers is the best solution if you want to provide more appropriate offers.
Personal information about customers allows you to better define the profile of the typical customer, and tailor promotions on your website according to various criteria.

Once customers are properly targeted

Using this information in order to act on a target audience can increase sales.

In case of problems...

Real-time monitoring is not simply a tool to satisfy the curiosity of the merchants, it is an especially effective way to solve the problems of a client.

If you have a problem with a client, or if a customer has issues with your shop, the customer's page within PrestaShop enables you can to focus on a particular client and view his specific configuration, settings and buying history.
You can also follow a client during his navigation on your website, page after page, so that you can help in a timely and efficient manner.

Products analysis

Verifying the shop and its contents

These statistics show you an overview of products to ensure consistency in your shop.

It's not always easy to handle a whole shop. To avoid forgetting a product description, an automatic alert will suggest a complete description for items that do not have one yet.

Focusing on the type of product that sells!

The rankings show you the greatest or lowest successes among your products.

Acting on a product's success

If a product is popular, it would be wise to broaden the range of products tied to it. For instance, if a fountain pen is selling very well, you can offer other products related to this type of pen, such as a pen-holder, a pencil case... This is called cross-selling.

If a product is not sufficiently consulted or bought, here are some tips:

If these solutions do not work, it would perhaps be better to focus on products that work, and remove it from your shop.

Adopting a marketing strategy that suits best

Each product follows a life cycle of its own. Divided into four major periods, a life cycle has specific characteristics, and various growth rates and marketing objectives.

These four stages are: initiation, growth, maturity and decline.

By identifying the period in which a product currently is, you may be able to adapt your marketing strategy for optimum efficiency.

Identifying the phase of your product and act!

During the launch phase: a product recently added to a market will have a moderate growth. You must heavily invest in promoting in order to inform the consumer, and get him to buy the new product. Your aim should be to get the product known, so do not hesitate to push it forward, organize games or put ads in place, in order to give it a good visibility. The more a product is visible to the consumer, the better its sells will be during the launching phase.

During the growth phase: promotional costs and other costs are reduced, while sales are increasing. The aim is to support its growth as long as possible, improving product quality and expanding its product line in order to convince even more customers and retain existing ones, increasing the distribution, continuing communication campaigns, gradually lowering prices.

During a phase of maturity: sales reach their peak, the pace slows down. The aim is to maintain the product top spot. It is a longer phase than the previous two, in which competition may be fiercer. Therefore, several options are available to meet your aim:

Analyze and understand the evolution of a particular product

The statistics related to a unique product to help you understand why the product has undergone a sharp decline / rise.
You can also use this data to rebuild your stock according to the evolution of sales of this product, or consult this data for informational purposes only.

Ensuring the clarity of categories

What makes people want to visit a category at first sight?

A product category must have a name that attracts the visitor's attention: it must be meaningful and make people curious.

Category names such as "Misc." or "Everything else" are not recommended. In addition, products placed in these categories are heterogeneous.

So make sure that you name each category properly, and store each product in the category that fits it best.

Putting a sponsorship system in place

An advertising-per-propagation process spread, where a customer is rewarded (gift, discount, points) when he brings a new customer to your shop using a recommendation sent to his entourage.

You can set up a sponsorship points system, in which the customer who registers can mention the e-mail address of his sponsor, who will then receive a large number of points for each. The sponsored customer can receive a welcome gift. If the sponsored customer becomes a sponsor for other people, his own sponsor will too benefit.

This technique is very useful to get new customers, encourage word of mouth and still contribute to customer loyalty.

Offering cross-selling

Cross-selling is a commercial technique offering a complementary product when ordering. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-selling.

Cross-selling is available in various forms:

Additional sales

Intended to suggest products associated with the main product.

For example, if your main product is an MP3 player, you can suggest a traditional range of products that complement the choice of an MP3 player (protective cover, speaker, connectors, headphones, headsets...).

Up-selling or Upmarket

Brings the consumer to go upmarket by buying a more expensive product than the one he initially chose. This technique can boost sales of the complementary product. For example, offer a high-end computer while the customer's choice was focused on a "midrange" computer.

Secondary sales

Your shop suggests products that are close to the ones chosen by the visitor.

For example you put forward:


The idea is to combine the main product with an accessory to a more attractive price than if the customer had purchased separately, in order to sell a product that the customer had not planned to buy. Example: a pack with a mobile phone and some accessories.

Thus, by offering additional products to your existing line, you help increase the average shopping cart, and give visibility to products that have too few of it.

The key is to communicate

Advertising is a form of communication designed to draw attention and prompt the consumer to buy a product.
So you must know your product in order to make it known if it is new, and increase the sales of an existing product, or the customer loyalty to your store.

It is important to note that an advertising campaign cannot be judged solely on the number of visitors that it brings, but more importantly on the quality of these. Indeed, some visitors may just surf without buying anything. Some others, more focused and perhaps fewer, may be better clients.

There are several types of advertising

"Pay-per-click" offers

Before adding your ad in the search engine of your choice, you must set your budget. The higher the amount, the higher your ad will appear. We advise you to properly target your advertising so that it appears only in some countries or languages, and to carefully select each of your keywords. Also, to properly target the visitors you want.

Product or bundle campaigns

Having a banner or pushing a product forward on your own shop's homepage.

Word of mouth (rewarded or through a referral system)

Everyone is talking and communicating. The idea here is that the users themselves are sending recommendations to their entourage about an offer, a product, or the benefits of your shop. The information is spreading very rapidly, and its reach is enhanced thanks the way people communicate on the Internet.

Analysis of orders

Tailor solutions to Clients

Knowing the time control means for a client allows you to analyze its performance in an order, whether the purchase is generally reflected or spontaneous.

Adjust your bids based on these behaviors, you can enlarge the description, add more photos, and then draw attention momentarily on a particular product for a short time ...).

Adapting discounts to customers

These data enable the merchant to know which are the customers’ favorite vouchers, and how they use them.

How to adapt these reductions?

Determining the amount of such voucher is not clear. It must be a delicate balance between providing voucher that will encourage the customer to buy, and pay attention not to lose too much money because of a high amount.

If a voucher is used all the time, you can slightly reduce its amount in order to save some money, given that this one already pleases a lot of users.

You can also remove the vouchers that are seldom or never used.


What your goals should be

It is a priority that you clearly define the objectives, ratios and key performance of your store. It is important to note that all these objectives should have a time limit in order to determine if they are met or not.