Conceptos Generales

Para evitar confusiones con el gestor de inventario de la versión 1.4, y ver las posibilidades que ofrece la nueva funcionalidad de gestión avanzada de stock de la versión 1.5 de PrestaShop, debe imaginar dos conceptos distintos: las existencias físicas y las cantidades de productos disponibles para la venta.

Cantidad de productos disponibles para la venta

Esta es la misma funcionalidad que presenta el gestor de inventario disponible desde PrestaShop 1.4.x. Esta es la cantidad de productos que se muestran en la tienda para cada producto y combinación de productos. Esta es la cantidad que define si el producto se puede pedir o no (a menos que la opción "Permitir ventas de productos que no están en stock" se encuentre habilitada). Esta cantidad puede ser modificada manualmente para cada producto y combinación de producto.

En PrestaShop 1.5.x, esta cantidad puede ser determinada automáticamente de acuerdo a las existencias físicas del producto afectado. En un escenario multitienda, la cantidad es definida para cada tienda.

En consecuencia, a lo que antes llamábamos "stock" en PrestaShop 1.4.x, es ahora llamado "cantidad de productos disponibles para la venta" en PrestaShop 1.5.x.

Existencias de productos (físicamente almacenados)

Esto corresponde a la gestión de productos existentes almacenados en uno o varios almacenes. Este es el nuevo concepto otorgado a "stock" en PrestaShop 1.5.x.

This new stock management feature includes stock movement, stock valuation, stock transfer between warehouses, integration in the multistore feature and supply order management.

It also makes it possible to take into account the notion of actual stock. At a given time, a product can be available as a physical stock, but not available for sale because some client orders are still waiting for shipping. That same product can also have a supply order in progress, and thus not yet accounted for in the physical stock.

Real stock is therefore made of stock that is physically available in a warehouse, to which we add the quantity presently ordered from suppliers, and from which we subtract the quantity presently ordered by clients and which have not yet been shipped.

Using the new stock management feature

Do I have to use the new stock management feature?

There is no obligation to use the new stock management feature, just as there is no obligation to use the "quantity available for sale" management feature.

To activate both the "quantity available for sale" management feature and the stock management feature, go to the "Products" preference page, scroll down to the "Products stock" section, and choose "Yes" for the two stock management options. You have to first enable basic stock management in order to enable advanced stock management.

The advanced stock management feature, or even the standard stock management feature and your warehouses, is independent from the multistore feature. Consequently, no matter which shop you are administrating in the PrestaShop back-office, when you use the "Stock" menu, you are always managing the stock in a global way.

I do not want to change anything to my settings in PrestaShop 1.4.x/15.x. What should I do?

If you would rather not use the new advanced stock management feature from PrestaShop 1.5, and simply are satisfied with the "classic" way that PrestaShop handles product quantity management, you just have to enable the old-style stock management manager, and not the advanced stock management feature: go to the "Products" preference page, scroll down to the "Products stock" section, and choose "Yes" for the "Enable stock management" option, leaving the "Enable advanced stock management" option set to "No".

The "available for sale quantity" management feature is now centralized in the "Quantities" tab from the product sheet: create a new product or edit an existing one, and the "Quantities" tab is available on the left, among the other tabs.

Does the new stock management feature apply to my needs?

The new stock management feature enables you to manage a stock of products. This feature applies to your business if:

This feature does not apply to your business if: