Table of contents

Using the Context Object

What is the Context object?

The Context is a technical feature introduced with version 1.5 of PrestaShop. Its two goals are:

The Context is a registry for PHP variables that were previously accessed as globals. It aims to standardize the way these variables are accessed, and to make the code more robust by getting rid of global vars.
It is a light implementation of the Registry design pattern: it is a class that stores the main PrestaShop information, such as the current cookie, the customer, the employee, the cart, Smarty, etc.

Before version 1.5, you had to rely on the cookie in order to access this data:


Now that the Context is available, the same data can be accessed more cleanly:


What is stored by the Context?

These objects are always accessible through the context:

These objects are only accessible for the customer Context:

These objects are only accessible for the administrator Context:

How to access the Context?

From inside a Controller subclass, an AdminTab subclass or a Module subclass, the Context should be called with this shortcut: $this->context.

From anywhere else, you can get the Context instance by calling Context::getContext().

How is the Context initialized?

The context is initialized with data coming from the cookie or from the database. For example, to create the Language object, the context looks for an id_lang value in the cookie. If it doesn't find one, it will retrieve the default language id from the database.

How to use the Context?

Whenever you would have accessed the cookie to retrieve a variable, or used a global statement, you will probably want to access the Context instead.

A few common replacements:

More examples of Context use

Old way

New way



if ($cookie->isLogged())

if ($this->context->customer->isLogged())

if ($cookie->isLoggedBack())

if ($this->context->employee->isLoggedBack();



$language = new Language($cookie->id_lang);


new Currency($cookie->id_lang);




new Link();


