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Añadiendo productos y categorías de productos

La base principal de un sitio Prestashop es su catálogo, la cual contiene productos y categorías de productos. Construir y actualizar el catálogo es la principal manera de hacer ver a los clientes que su sitio está vivo. Aquí es donde su tienda se convierte en realidad, la creación de contenidos, da valor a su tienda online.

Por ser el corazón de su tienda, su catálogo merece gran parte de su atenciónAñadir productos no sólo significa añadir una imagen y un texto y, a continuación, validar su contenido. Esto significa dar a conocer el producto: el precio, el peso, el tamaño, las características, especificaciones, detalles, marca, proveedor, y muchas otras cosas. No debe comenzar a añadir productos a su catálogo sin saber exactamente lo que quiere presentar al cliente, y para ello necesita planificar sus productos y la forma en que se mostrarán. Esto también significa que debe conocer el front-office de su tienda como la palma de su mano con el fin de rellenar correctamente los campos obligatorios.

Se puede acceder a la sección "Catálogo" abriendo el menú con el mismo nombre, el cual enumeran todas las páginas relacionadas con los productos. Aquí es donde puede administrar su catálogo a través de su sitio PrestaShop.

Las páginas de este menú están ordenadas por orden de importancia según la gestión diaria de su tienda: ya que, es más probable añadir/editar/eliminar productos que añadir proveedores o mapas de imágenes.

Cuando añada el primer producto, debe tener en cuenta algún tipo de organización:

  • ¿En qué categoría encaja mejor? Debe definir de antemano la jerarquía de toda la tienda, con las categorías y sub-categorías claramente establecidas.
  • ¿Quién es el fabricante? Si lo hace usted mismo, debe registrar su propia marca en PrestaShop.
  • ¿Quién es el proveedor de este producto? Si lo hace usted mismo, debe crear su propio proveedor en PrestaShop.
  • ¿Dispone de la descripción, características, imágenes y otros detalles? Cuanto más sepa su cliente sobre el producto, más rápido es en tomar una decisión.

Puede empezar a añadir los productos con un mínimo de información y editarla posteriormente  tantas veces como sea necesario, pero antes de lanzar su tienda, debe tener por lo menos esta información descrita.

Creando una categoría

Las categorías son esenciales, ya que le permite agrupar productos equivalentes. Esto ayuda a los clientes a navegar fácilmente a través de su catálogo de productos , y restringir su búsqueda de un tipo específico de producto. También hacen que sea fácil para los clientes encontrar y comparar sus productos (gracias a la función de comparación de productos PrestaShop).

Debe crear una nueva categoría en el momento en que tenga al menos dos productos con características equivalentes. Los productos en una misma categoría deben ser comparables, o incluso intercambiables. Mantenga esta idea al añadir nuevos productos y en la creación de nuevas categorías.

Al crear una categoría de productos, debe centrarse en una cosa: los productos de esa categoría deben ser comparables. Esto no sólo es útil para sus clientes, sino que también es una necesidad para la función de comparación de productos de PrestaShop.

Todas las categorías que va a crear son de hecho subcategorías de "Inicio", la categoría raíz, que no se puede eliminar.

Puede optar por no crear ninguna categoría, y tener todos los productos agrupados en una sola categoría global, "Inicio". Pero entonces los clientes no tendrán la posibilidad de comparar productos.

También puede determinar que no está interesado en la función de comparación, y prefiere crear sus categorías libremente. En ese caso, debe desactivar la herramienta de comparación: diríjase a la página de preferencias de productos, y establezca a 0 la opción "Límite para el comparador de productos".

Las categorías son gestionadas en la página "Categorías" del menú "Catálogo".

En el lado derecho de la tabla, puede ordenar las categorías (ya sea usando las flechas o arrastrando la fila hacia arriba o hacia abajo), y desactivar las que desee ocultar a los clientes.

Todas las categorías son en realidad subcategorías de la categoría de "Inicio".
Para editar la categoría "Inicio" (o cualquier categoría seleccionada), haga clic en el botón "Modificar" en la barra de botones.
Para crear una nueva categoría (o una subcategoría de una categoría existente), haga clic en el botón "Añadir nueva" en cualquier nivel de categorías.


La forma es la misma cuando se crea una categoría raíz o una subcategoría. La única diferencia es que al hacer clic en "Añadir nueva" desde un subnivel de una categoría, PrestaShop entiende que desea crear una subcategoría de esta, por lo que establece la opción "Categoría padre" en consecuencia.

¡Traduzca sus categorías!

Asegúrese de traducir cada campo en todos los idiomas utilizados por su tienda . Para ello, haga clic en la banderita junto al campo, y seleccione la bandera del idioma de la que desea editar el texto.

En primer lugar, debe introducir la información general:

  • Nombre. Dele a su categoría un nombre, a continuación, indique si esta se "mostrará" (es decir, si estará o no estará disponible para sus clientes) . Por ejemplo, es posible que desee posponer el mostrar una nueva categoría a sus clientes porque no la ha completado del todo .
  • Categoría padre. Si desea crear una subcategoría de una categoría que no sea la página de inicio, seleccione la categoría bajo la cual aparecerá.
  • Categoría raíz. Es posible que desee utilizar esta nueva categoría como la nueva categoría raíz, en lugar de "Inicio". En ese caso, seleccione dicha opción.

    La categoría raíz es muy útil en el modo multi-tienda. Imagina que tienes tres tiendas con productos y categorías, total o parcialmentediferentes: es posible que desee utilizar una categoría raíz diferente para cada tienda.

    La categoría raíz en consecuencia refleja la categoría "Inicio" de cada tienda, así que si no quiere tener los mismos productos en la en la categoría "página de inicio" de cada tienda, necesita tener diferentes categorías raíz.
    De esta manera es más fácil asignar categorías a cada tienda y puede tener diferentes productos en la categoría inicio.

  • Descripción. Debe rellenar este campo, no solamente porque le será de utilidad a usted y a sus empleados, sino porque también algunos temas hacen uso de ella, mostrando esta a sus clientes.
  • Imagen. Haga clic en "Examinar" para subir una imagen desde su ordenador, que represente a esta categoría.

A continuación, el formulario presenta unos cuanto campos para el Posicionamiento en Buscadores (Search Engine Optimization, SEO). Esta información le ayudará a mejorar la visibilidad de su catálogo en los motores de búsqueda.

  • Meta título. El título que aparecerá en los motores de búsqueda cuando un cliente realiza una solicitud.
  • Meta descripción. Una presentación de su categoría en unas pocas líneas, destinada a captar el interés de un cliente. Esta aparecerá en los resultados de búsqueda.
  • Meta Palabras. Palabras clave que definan a esta categoría, con el fin de ser referenciadas por los motores de búsqueda. Puede introducir varias palabras, separadas por comas, así como expresiones, que deben ser indicadas entre comillas.
  • URL Amigable. Permite reescribir las direcciones de sus categorías como desee.
    Por ejemplo, en lugar de tener una dirección como, puede tener
    En este caso, todo lo que tendría que hacer es indicar en el campo marcado "Enlace amigable" las palabras que desea ver en lugar de "nombre-de-la-categoría" separadas por guiones.
  • Acceso de grupo. Restringe el acceso a la categoría y sus productos a ciertos compradores. Para ver estas categorías, los compradores deben pertenecer a un grupo de usuarios. Eche un vistazo a la página "Grupos" en el menú "Clientes" para obtener más información.

Una vez que haya terminado de configurar su categoría, guarde esta, y ya estará lista para llenarla de productos.

Examinar y editar categorías

El botón "Modificar" en la barra de botones le permite editar la categoría padre de las subcategorías actualmente mostradas. Esto significa que cuando esté viendo la subcategorías principales, al hacer clic en el botón "Modificar" podrá editar la categoría "Inicio".

Al hacer clic en cualquier categoría de la tabla, se abrirá, y mostrará todas sus subcategorías. Como consecuencia, esto hará cambiar el contexto de la interfaz : haciendo clic en el botón "Modificar" puede editar la categoría padre actual, y haciendo en "Añadir nueva" se abrirá el formulario de creación de la categoría con la opción "Categoría padre" establecida a la categoría padre actual.

Importar y exportar categorías

Además de los habituales botones "Añadir nueva" y "Modificar", la barra de botones también cuenta con otros dos botones:

  • Exportar. Permite descargar la lista de todas las categorías, en formato CSV.
  • Importar. Abre la página "Parámetros avanzados > Importar archivos CSV", con el tipo de datos que se espera establecido en "Categorías". Consulte la sección "Comprender  los Parámetros avanzados" para obtener más información sobre la importación de archivos CSV.
    Necesitará que el archivo CSV siga este formato:

    3;iPods;Now that you can buy movies from the iTunes Store and sync them to your iPod, the whole world is your theater.;1;1;
    4;Accessories;Wonderful accessories for your iPod;2;1;
    5;Laptops;The latest Intel processor, a bigger hard drive, plenty of memory, and even more new features all fit inside just one liberating inch. The new Mac laptops have the performance, power, and connectivity of a desktop computer. Without the desk part.;3;1;

    El identifcador de la categoría es la ID, no el nombre de la categoría.

Encontrará disponibles más opciones de importación en la página "Importar CSV" del menú "Parámetros avanzados".

Añadir productos a una categoría

Para añadir un producto en una categoría, debe abrir la página de configuración del producto y dirigirse a la pestaña de la izquierda "Asociaciones". Aquí es donde puede establecer las categorías a las que pertenece el producto.

La categoría "Inicio" es una categoría especial, donde puede destacar/promocionar productos de cualquier otra categorías, haciendo que aparezcan en el bloque "Productos destacados". De forma predeterminada, sólo se pueden visualizar 8 productos en la página principal.

El bloque "Productos destacados" está supeditado al módulo "Productos destacados en la página de inicio". Si desea más (o menos) productos en la página principal, configure este módulo (desde la página de "módulos" en el menú "Módulos" ).

Nota: No tiene que quitar un producto de su categoría original para que se visualice  en la página principal. Un producto puede tener tantas categorías, como sea necesario.

Puede gestionar los productos de su tienda utilizando la página "Productos", en el menú "Catálogo". Puede ver los productos existentes y algunos detalles.

Puede añadir nuevos productos haciendo clic en "Añadir nuevo". Aparecerá un formulario con varias pestañas en la columna de la izquierda.

Posición del producto

No se puede reorganizar la lista de productos. Los productos se muestran tal como se introducen en su tienda (por el aumento de su número de identificación, ID), y el cliente puede ordenar los productos utilizando los algoritmos de ordenación disponibles: más baratos primero, más caros primero, nombre de producto de A a Z, nombre de producto de Z a A, en stock primero, referencia más baja primero, referencia más alta primero.

Puede organizar los productos por  categoría haciendo clic en la casilla "Filtrar por categoría". Se abrirá una pequeña interface listando todas sus categorías y subcategorías. Seleccionando una categoría se filtra automáticamente la lista de productos para mostrar sólo los productos de la categoría seleccionada. Esto también añade una columna "Posición" a la tabla, con la que puede ordenar el producto en la página de la categoría. Para ello, puede mover las filas de la tabla con el ratón, o hacer clic en las flechas.

El orden de los productos pueden ser modificados por el orden elegido por el cliente.

Tenga en cuenta que cuando se cambia el orden de visualización en la lista de productos en el back-office (haciendo clic en la flecha del nombre de la columna para ordenar los productos de acuerdo con esa columna), la columna "Posición" ya no muestra las flechas y no puede mover las filas de la tabla . En su lugar, la columna muestra el número de posición del producto. Para reorganizar los productos, haga clic en el botón "Borrar filtro".

En las siguientes secciones vamos a explorar estas pestañas una por una. Comenzamos con la primera pestaña del formulario, que le permite rellenar la información general sobre sus productos.

Los botones en la información global del producto

Cuando abrimos la página de creación de productos, sólo aparece un botón en la parte superior: "Volver a la lista".

Nada más rellenar el campo nombre del producto, aparecen  dos nuevos botones llamados: "Guardar" y "Guardar y permanecer".

  • Guardar. Este guarda cualquier cambio que haya realizado en cualquiera de los datos del producto actual, y le lleva de nuevo al listado de productos.
  • Guardar y permanecer. Esto guarda cualquier cambio que haya realizado en cualquiera de los datos del el producto actual, y le mantiene en la ficha actual. Esto es particularmente útil cuando se desea cambiar de pestaña sin perder los cambios de la ficha actual, o para ver sus cambios aplicados inmediatamente.
  • Volver a la lista. Simplemente le lleva de vuelta al listado de productos, sin guardar ningún cambio que haya realizado en cualquieras de las fichas de esta página.

Tan pronto como guarde el producto, utilizando los botón "Guardar" o "Guardar y permanecer", más botones adicionales aparecerán en la página del producto:

  • Eliminar este producto. Elimina todos los datos del producto actual, incluyendo las imágenes, combinaciones, características, etc.
  • DuplicarCrea una copia exacta del producto actual. Esto es muy útil cuando prefiera utilizar los datos del producto actual como una plantilla para otro nuevo producto, así no tiene que volver a escribir todos los datos del nuevo producto. Por ejemplo, dos productos pueden ser muy diferentes, pero pueden compartir las mismas combinaciones, los mismos transportistas o el mismo proveedor.

    Si necesita crear diferentes versiones de un mismo producto, a causa de su variedad de colores, capacidad, tamaño, etc., debe crear combinaciones para el producto actual en lugar de duplicarlo X veces. Revise la pestaña "Combinaciones" en la columna izquierda del formulario, que se explicaen la sección "Añadir combinaciones de productos" en este capítulo.

  • Vista previaMuestra la página del producto actual tal y como la verán sus clientes en su tienda. Esto es muy útil, ya que funciona incluso si el producto está desactivado (pestaña "Información").
  • VentasLe redirige a la página "Detalles del producto" del panel de control de estadísticas (menú "Estadísticas"), que muestra en una gráfica el número de visitas y ventas del producto.

Completando la información global del producto

La primera pestaña contiene la información básica sobre el producto.

La primera línea es un elemento esencial indica si el producto es un paquete (una combinación de al menos dos productos existentes), un producto virtual (archivo descargable, servicio...), o simplemente un clásico producto que se envía por correo. Por ahora, sólo analizaremos la primera opción de estas tres, y trataremos los paquetes y productos virtuales en próximas  secciones de este capítulo.

Hay muchas más opciones disponibles relacionadas con los productos, puede acceder a ellas  en la página de "Productos" desde el menú "Preferencias":

  • Número de días en los que el producto es considerado "nuevo"
  • Ordenamiento por defecto del producto
  • Habilitar las opciones avanzadas de stock
  • etc.

Se inicia con cuatro campos de texto:

  • Nombre. Lo primero que debe completar es el nombre del producto, el cual aparecerá en los resultados de los motores de búsqueda. Junto al campo se encuentra una bandera, que le permite elegir el idioma en el que desea editar o crear el nombre.

    Debe dar un nombre al producto, al menos en el idioma por defecto, antes de poder guardarlo. Además, no tendrá acceso a algunas de las pestañas hasta que guarde el producto.

    Asegúrese de traducir cada campo en todos los idiomas disponibles en su tienda . Para ello, haga clic en la pequeña bandera situada al lado del campo, para seleccionar el idioma en el que desea editar el texto.

  • Referencia. Esta es su propia referencia interna. Esta puede ser un número, o una referencia a la ubicación del producto en su tienda física, de su proveedor, o de cualquier otra cosa que la haga única. Rellenar este campo es opcional.
  • EAN13 o JAN. Estos son los números del código de barras, que se utilizan en todo el mundo con el fin de identificar los productos. Puede utilizar un número EAN13 o JAN.
  • UPC. Un código de barras de 12 dígitos, más ampliamente utilizado en América del Norte, Reino Unido, Australia y Nueva Zelanda. Más información en la Wikipedia:

En el lado derecho hay cuatro opciones:

  • Estado. Si no desea que este producto está disponible de inmediato o visible para sus clientes, marque el botón que dice "Desactivado".
  • Visible en. También puede hacer que el producto esté tan sólo disponible para algunos canales:
    • Toda la tienda. Los clientes pueden llegar al producto, navegando por el catálogo, buscando el nombre del producto, o directamente a través de su URL.
    • El Catálogo. Los clientes pueden llegar al producto, navegando por el catálogo o directamente a través de su URL.
    • Los resultados de búsqueda. Los clientes pueden llegar al producto mediante la búsqueda de su nombre o directamente a través de su URL.
    • OcultoLos clientes sólo pueden llegar al producto usando su URL. No lo encontrarán  navegando por el catálogo, ni mediante la búsqueda de su nombre. Esto es ideal para la creación de productos privados, al que sólo unos pocos visitantes de confianza pueden acceder, aunque sea temporalmente (se puede cambiar este ajuste en cualquier momento).
  • Opciones. Un conjunto de opciones específicas.
    • disponible para su compra. Si desactiva esta casillalos clientes no podrán añadir este producto a su carrito. Esto hace que solamente este producto se muestre más bien como en el modo Catálogo (en comparación con la preferencia "Modo catálogo").
    • mostrar el precio. Si la opción anterior "disponible para su compra" está desmarcada, puede optar por mostrar el precio del producto (aunque los visitantes no podrán comprarlo), o no mostrarle este a sus clientes.
      disponible sólo en internet (no se vende en tiendas físicas). Esta opción será de gran valor cuando un producto sólo se venda a través de internet  – esto previene a nivel informativo a los clientes de que no vayan a su tienda física con la esperanza de comprar el producto, para así evitar los gastos de envío. 
  • Estado. No todas las tiendas venden productos nuevos. Esta opción le permite indicar el estado del producto:
    • Nuevo. El producto es completamente nuevo, en su embalaje original sellado.
    • Usado. El producto ya se ha vendido al menos una vez, y probablemente fue utilizado por otra persona (de segunda mano). Debe venir en su embalaje original, pero puede estar sellado con cinta adhesiva.
    • ReacondicionadoEl producto ha sido devuelto por alguna razón ("rasguños, abolladuras u otros daños puramente estéticos que no afectan al funcionamiento del producto"). Más información en la Wikipedia:

Ahora que estos detalles han sido establecidos, puede comenzar a añadir una descripción de su producto.
Describir su producto es esencial, tanto para el cliente (contra mayor información, mejor) como para los motores de búsqueda (esto ayudará que su tienda aparezca en más solicitudes de búsqueda).

Los dos campos de descripción sirven para diferentes propósitos:

  • The "Short description" field enables you to write a short description that will appear in search engines and in the category description for your product.
    This field is limited to 400 characters by default: if you exceed that limit, PrestaShop will warn you with a message in red below the field. You can change that limit in the "Products" preference page, where you will find the "Max size of short description" option.
  • The "Description" field enables you to write a full description of your product, which will appear directly on the product page. The text editor offers a wide range of options for creating visually attractive descriptions (font, size, text color, etc.).
    While the second field has no limits, there is such thing as too much content: strive to provide the essential information in a compelling way, and your product should be good to go.

In the "tags" field, add some terms and keywords that will help your customers easily find what they are looking for. They are displayed on the store in the "Tags" block. If you do not want the tag block displayed, simply disable the "Tags block" module (in the "Modules" page).

Differences with PrestaShop 1.4

PrestaShop 1.4 enabled you to indicate the product manufacturer right on this page. In version 1.5, this setting is to be found in the "Associations" tab on the left. Same for the "Default category" field, the associated categories, and the "Accessories" field.

Version 1.4 also enabled you to indicate the size and weight of the final package. In version 1.5, these settings are to be found in the "Shipping" tab on the left.

The "Location" field of version 1.4 can be found in the optional "Warehouses" tab on the left, which is only available if you have enabled Advanced Stock Management ("Preferences" menu, "Products" page, "Products stock" section).

Once you have filled out all this information, save your work, after which you will be sent to your list of products. If you save by clicking on "Save and Stay", you will be able to continue working on your product's presentation.

Setting the Price of a Product

The pricing section can be quite intimidating, with fields influencing each other and taxes to take into account. This is all done in the "Prices" tab on the left.

Set the price that will appear in your store by following the instructions below:

  • Pre-tax wholesale price. Enables you to instantly know your wholesale, factory price, and thus compare it to your selling price in order to easily calculate your profit.
  • Pre-tax retail price. The price of your product before taxes.
  • Tax rule. The tax applicable to the product. Choose between the different rates that you have registered.
    If you need to create new tax rates, click the "Create" button. Tax creation is done in the "Localization" menu, "Taxes" page; it is fully explained in the "Understanding Local Settings" chapter of this guide.
  • Eco-tax (tax incl.). The value of the ecotax for this product. This value is already included in your retail price. You are supposed to declare that tax to your country's tax agency.
    Note that this field is not displayed by default. If you have to include an ecotax, you must first enable it: go to the "Localization" menu, "Taxes" page, "Tax options" section (bottom of the page), and choose "Yes" for the "Use ecotax" option.
  • Retail Price with tax. Displays the price of the product with taxes included. You can edit the value, and it will automatically update the "Pre-tax retail price" field according to the tax rule that you chose.
  • Unit price. Enables you to conform to local legislations that require products to be displayed with their unit price.
    For instance, if you are selling a pack of 6 cans of soda, then you should fill this field with the price per can, and indicate "can" in the text field. The description on the same line will update accordingly.
  • Display "on sale" icon on product page and text on product listing. Check that box to show that your product is on sale, both on the product page and in the text on the product listing. An "On sale" icon will appear under the product. You can modify this logo by changing the following file: themes/default/img/onsale_en.gif
  • Final retail price. This price, including the discount taken, will update as you type.

You can fill out the "retail price with tax" field and choose the tax rate to apply, and the field will automatically calculate the pre-tax retail price. The opposite operation is also available.

At this point, you are done with the essential information for a basic product page. You can save it and have it immediately available for sale on your shop!
But keep reading, as there are many more details you can add to your product to make it more attractive to customers.

Specific prices: Managing Quantity Discounts

You can changes the total price of the product depending on the quantity of products your customer buys, the user group, the country, etc. This is done using the "Specific prices" option of the "Prices" tab.

This is a very easy way to create a discount price for this product (and all its combinations).

Click "Add a New specific price", and a form appears.

  • For. This enables you to be very specific about the various groups to which this price applies, including currencies, countries and even your customer groups (which we'll discuss in a later chapter).
  • Customer. You can choose to be even more specific and directly set at who the discount you are creating is targeted. Start typing the first letters of the clients' first name or last name, and select the ones you want.
  • Available from. Here you can define a range of dates between which the discount price is active. Clicking each selector will open a calendar, simplifying the process.
  • Starting at [] unit. Contains the value from which the discount should be applied. Default is "1", which means any quantity.
  • Product price (tax excl.). This is where you can set an arbitrary price, independent of calculations and regular prices. Keep this field at "0" to use the default price.
  • Leave the default price. Check this box to reset the "Product price" field and prevent yourself from editing it.
  • Apply a discount of. The discount that will be applied once the client has chosen a quantity of product. Use the selector to set the type of discount (either a specific amount in the default currency, or a percentage of the default price).

Once you have chosen your values click on "Save and stay": the summary of your discount settings appears below. The discount will be immediately visible on the store.
If you wish to delete a value, click on the trashcan icon in the table.

If you want to build more complex discounts, go read about the "Price rules" menu in the "Creating Price Rules And Vouchers" chapter of this guide.

Managing Price Priority

A customer might fit into multiple prices or discount rules, even when you have set detailed prices and quantity discounts, with custom groups and shops (if in a multistore context). PrestaShop therefore uses a set of priorities in order to apply a single price rule to such customers.

You can change PrestaShop default settings using the "Priority Management" section: You might want the user group to be more important than the currency, for instance.

The default order of importance is:

  1. Shop (when in a multistore context).
  2. Currency.
  3. Country.
  4. Group.

A checkbox at the bottom enables you to update the settings for all products. If the checkbox remains unchecked, then your changes only apply to the current product.

Optimizing your product's search engine position (SEO)

To improve your product listing as well as increase your store's visibility we suggest that you carefully fill out the various SEO fields: meta titles, meta descriptions, and keywords and friendly URLs.

"SEO" itself stands for "Search Engine Optimization. Read more on Wikipedia:

Get to know the best SEO practices for e-commerce! Download and read PrestaShop's free "Complete Guide to SEO":

To access the product's SEO information, open the "SEO" tab on the left.

The fields in this page enable you to directly optimize your catalog's visibility on search engines.

  • Meta title. This is the most important field, as the title that will appear on all search engines. Be very factual: you must convince the search engine user to click your link, not one from another site. Make sure the title is unique to this product within your site.
    • Good example: "Levi's 501® Original Jeans - Tidal Blue - Original Fit".
    • Bad example: "Item #02769869B bestseller".
  • Meta description. A presentation of the product in just a couple lines (ideally, less than 155 characters), intended to capture a customer's interest. This will appear in results for some search engines, depending on the search request: some search engine might choose to display the searched keywords directly in the context of the page content. Make sure the description is unique to this product within your site.
  • Meta keywords. You can enter several of them, separated by commas, as well as expressions, which must be indicated in quotation marks. For instance: trousers, denims, "blue jeans", jeans.
  • Friendly URL. This is another extremely important field. It enables you to rewrite the web addresses of your products as you wish. For example, instead of having an address such as
    you can have:
    All you need to do is indicate in the "Friendly URL" field the words that you wish to see appear instead of the default name, separated by dashes.
    The "Generate" button makes it easy to produce a proper friendly URL based on the product name. Once generated, you can edit the URL produced if necessary.

Friendly URLs will only work if URL rewriting is enabled. You can do this in "SEO & URLs" preference page, in its "Set up URLs" section.

You will find more information on the "SEO & URLs" preference page in the "Understanding the Preferences" chapter of this guide.

Managing the Product's Associations

Creating associations for your product means pairing it with other content in your database:

  • Product categories.
  • Other products (accessories).
  • Manufacturer.

Product categories

The "Associated categories" section enables you to select in which category the product should appear. You can select more than one, but keep in mind that it is better for the customer if the category only contains equivalent and comparable products. Therefore, you should prevent from selecting root categories, and prefer child categories.
For instance, the "telephone" category can feature sub-categories of "brands" (Apple, Samsung, Nokia, etc.) and as well as "characteristics" (smart-phone, flip-phone, etc.). It is up to you to indicate the category most useful to your customers.
If you feel you need to add a category, save the current state of your product before clicking the "Create new category" button. Category creation is explained at the start of this chapter

The "Default category" section is useful when an article is filed under several categories. It serves mainly to clarify which category to use in case your customer arrives at your site from a search engine, since the name of the category will appear in the product's URL.

Featured List

Checking the "Home" box enables you to highlight the product on your shop's homepage, provided your theme supports it. To remove a product from the Featured list, simply uncheck the "Home" box.


The "Accessories" field gives you the option of choosing relevant products to associate with this product, to suggest them to your customers when the visit the product's page (if the theme supports it). Type in the first letters of product and select it. The product is then added at the bottom of the field.

You can associate a product with as many other products as you deem necessary. Click on the trashcan icon to delete the product association.
An association goes one way only: the associated product will not feature an association to the current product in its setting page.

Accessories addition/removal is not automatically saved! Do not forget to click on the "Save" button.


A product can only be associated with one manufacturer. Choose one in the dropdown menu, or create a new manufacturer if it is needed (but do save your current product before clicking the "Create a new manufacturer" button).

Manufacturer creation is explained in the next chapter, "A Look Inside the Catalog".

Configuring the Product Image

The "Images" tab on the left is for including photos on your product page. You should upload all the images for this product, including all the existing combinations of this product (color, size, shape, etc.).

To add one or more images to your product:

  1. Click the "Upload an image" button and then select at least one image file from your computer to upload. You can select as many images as necessary by keeping the Ctrl-key pressed while selecting files. Validate your selection, and the upload starts automatically.
    The default maximal size for an image file is set by PrestaShop according to your server's PHP settings. This size can be lowered in the "Images" preference page, "Product images" section.
  2. The uploaded images appear in a table below the button. If you have more than one image, you can choose which image is to be used as the default/cover image by clicking on the red "no entry" button and turn it into a green checkmark. That cover image will also appear automatically on the product page of your shop.

Once you have uploaded all your product images, you can modify the image order by drag-and-dropping each table row when the mouse cursor changes to a "movable" cursor.

Evaluating Shipping Cost: Size, Weight, Carrier

Shipping costs are not be neglected: they can easily double the final cost of an order, and you should be very upfront about them – customers hate bad surprises.

The "Shipping" tab on the left enables you to give some precious details about your product's package:

  • Width, Height, Depth & Weight. You should strive to fill each field, because knowing the exact size and weight of a package is not only useful to you, but PrestaShop can also direct specific sizes/weights to specific carriers automatically, based on these settings. Once PrestaShop (or the customer) has selected a carrier, the order's final price will appear to the customer.
  • Additional shipping costs. This can prove very useful to you, for instance for product that are particularly tricky to package, or really heavy.
  • Carriers. You can choose to have the current product only be shipped by one specific carrier. You can even choose two or three: press the Shift key while clicking on a carrier name to add it to the selection.

These values use the default weight, volume, distance and dimension units, as set in the "Localization" page of the "Localization" menu.

These values do not have to be integers. If your products weight less than 1 kg/lbs, you can simply use a period (.) to indicate the fractions:

  • 123 lbs
  • 1.23 lbs
  • 0.23 lbs
  • etc.

Adding Product Combinations

You will often sell the same product under different versions: same overall name, but they might differ by their color, their capacity, their screen size, and other attributes. Most of the times, these attributes come together: you could have the red version of the product available with either 1 Gb capacity or 2 Gb, or with 12'' screen or a 15'' screen. This is why PrestaShop calls these versions "combinations": your stock of product can be made of several variations of one product, which in effect are simply its attributes combined in specific ways.

You cannot create combinations if you do not already have product attributes properly set in PrestaShop.
Also, you should not create combination for features that your customers should not be able to choose from.

Attributes creation is done in "Attributes and Values" page from the "Catalog" menu, and is explained in details in the next chapter, "A Look Inside the Catalog".

Differences with PrestaShop 1.4

Combination quantities are managed from the "Quantities" tab on the left, which is a new feature of PrestaShop 1.5.

When creating a virtual product (see further below), you can now upload a different file for each combination. In PrestaShop 1.4, you had to pack all combinations into a single Zip file, and have the customers download all combinations.

How they are combined is up to you, and PrestaShop gives you two ways to achieve this.

Manual method

This method helps you create combinations one after the other. Therefore, it is to be reserved to either products with few combinations, or products with very specific combinations that can't be created reliably using the automatic method (see next section).

Adding a new variation to your product takes just a few steps. Click on the "New Combination" button, in the top of the page, next to the "Save" button. A form will appear:

  • Attribute-value pair.
    1. From the drop-down menu choose a group of attributes, such as "Color" for example
    2. Choose the attribute value that you would like to include, for example "Blue".
    3. Click on the "Add" button and it will appear in the selector.
      You can add as many attribute-value pairs as necessary to one combination.
      You can only add one pair per attribute to one combination: it is impossible to have both "Color: Blue" and "Color: Red" in your pairs; if this is necessary, you will have to create new attributes, for instance "Primary color" and "Secondary color".
      You can delete an attribute-value pair by selecting it and clicking on the "Delete" button.
  • Reference, EAN13 & UPC.
    • If necessary, indicate the combination's reference, EAN13 and/or UPC numbers into each field, as if you were creating a brand new product in PrestaShop. These numbers may be used by your warehouse or your carrier, so make sure to fill these fields, they are often essential to your business.
  • Wholesale price. This field is useful if the original price of the product changes simply because this is a combination.
  • Impact on original product. If the combination is supposed to have an impact on the product's price/weight/unit price, choose the appropriate dropdown menu, select "Increase" or "Reduction" depending on the context, and fill the field that appears with the value of that impact.
  • Ecotax. The specific ecotax for this combination.
  • Minimum quantity. You might prefer this combination to only be sold in bulk. Use this field to set the number of items to be sold in bulk.
  • Available date. If this is a temporary or promotional product combination, you can indicate the date at which this product should not be available for sale anymore.
  • Image. The images that are linked to the original product (as uploaded using the form in the "Images" tab on the left) are displayed. Check the box for the images that best represent this combination.
  • Default. Check this box if you want the current combination to actually be the main product.

When you have set all of the combination's details, save your product changes using the "Save and stay" button. Your combination will appear in the attributes list at the bottom of the screen.

Differences with PrestaShop 1.4

In PrestaShop 1.4, there used to be a "Color picker" form at the bottom of the list of combinations, where you could choose to display a color picker or not on the product page.

In PrestaShop 1.5, this option has been moved and improved. When creating a new attribute (in the "Catalog" menu, "Attributes & Values" page), you can use the "Attribute type" drop-down list to choose whether the front-page should display it as a drop-down list, a radio button list, or a color picker.

Automatic method

If you have too many different products or varieties you can use the "Product Combinations Generator." This tool allows you to automatically generate all of the combinations and possibilities.

Clicking the "Product combinations generator" takes you to the complete form.

A warning window might appear, saying "You will lose all unsaved modifications, do you want to proceed?" This means your product already had some combinations created. If you agree to this, this will delete the combinations that have not yet been saved. Be careful, and always save your work before using the generator!

On the right side of this page are your groups of attributes and their values. Select the varieties by clicking on their name (if your combination combines more than one attribute, hold the Ctrl key while clicking), then click on "Add".
For example, you might select the "Blue", "Green" and "32 Go" attributes.

Once the varieties have been selected, insert the quantity of each product in the "Quantity" field at the top. Be careful, it needs to be the same for every combination. For instance, 200 products in each combination = 2 colors * 1 disk size * 200 = 400 products in all.
You may add a reference if it serves your administrative needs.
Click the "Generate" button, and tables will appear below for each combination, enabling you to edit their possible specific prices.

As you can see, the combination generator helps you save a lot of time when you have numerous attributes to assemble, such as sizes and materials. It automatically creates all of the possible combinations, which will then appear under the product's "Combinations" tab (if the theme supports it).
If you do not want to keep all generated combinations or if they are in fact not all exactly the same (different references, prices, available dates...), you can delete (trashcan icon) or modify them (file icon). The yellow star icon turns the selected combination into the default one.

Managing Product Quantities

This is a new tab in PrestaShop 1.5. You previously had to manage quantities either in the "Information" tab or within the "Combinations" tab if you have any product varieties. This is all now managed in a single page.

The way it works is quite easy: the page presents you with a table of all the combinations for the current product (if there are no combinations, the table simply has a single row). It is up to you to set the initial stock for all the combinations. PrestaShop will use this to determine when a product is soon out-of-stock or unavailable anymore.

Stock Management Options

The quantities page supports the stock management features, if activated. This means that if the current product's combinations are distributed among several storage locations, PrestaShop is able to handle the exact location of each combination, even with a given warehouse.
To use advanced stock management for the current product, you must first enable the feature for the whole shop: go to the "Products" preference page (under the "Preferences" menu), and in the "Products stock" section, select "Yes" for the "Enable advanced stock management" option.

Once the feature is globally enabled, you can enable it for the current product by checking the checkbox for "I want to use the advanced stock management system for this product".

By default, you have to manage the current product's quantities by hand, for each combination, from this page. With the stock management feature activated, you can rely on PrestaShop's stock management feature to handle this.
Once the checkbox has been clicked, an option becomes available: "Available quantities for current product and its combinations are based on stock in the warehouses". Click it, and you cannot edit the current product's quantities from the "Quantities" page: it has new become dependent of your stock management.

Availability Settings

At the bottom of the page, you can set the exact behavior of PrestaShop depending on the availability of the current product.

  • Displayed text when in-stock. Enables you to display a message to your visitors when your product is in stock, for example "Item available". It reassures them that your shop can immediately send them the product.
  • On the contrary, if the item is not in stock, you can choose whether to allow orders or not using the "When out of stock" selector. If you do allow orders, then you can display a message to your visitors using the "Displayed text when allowed to be back-ordered" field.

You can also configure the general settings applied to all of your products. The default option is to deny orders, but this can be modified under the "Products" preference ("Allow ordering of out-of-stock products" option), which is fully explained in the "Understanding the Preferences" chapter of this guide.

Configuring Product Features

The tab named "Features" is where you specify your products' features (i.e. weight, material, country of origin, etc.).

When you create features and values (i.e. wool knit and micro-fiber materials), you assign them to the products when it is appropriate. This means that you do not have to fill out the features fields for each of your products but instead simply fill in the necessary values and apply them later.

PrestaShop comparison engine entirely relies on product features: this is what gets compared.

Also, since product comparison works on a per-category basis, you should make sure that all the products in a given category do share the same features, with various values to be compared between each other.

Be aware that contrary to the combinations, these values do not change, and are valid for the general product.

Creating a feature

Before adding a feature to a product, you must create it for general use in your shop. You either go to the "Features" page of the "Catalog" menu, or directly click on the "Add a new feature" button. A warning will appear, "You will lose all unsaved modifications, do you want to proceed?" – make sure all your changes are saved before validating.

Feature and feature value creation are explained in details in the next chapter of this guide, "A Look Inside the Catalog".

Assigning a value and feature to a product

We will assume here that you have already set all your features and feature values.

In the current product's "Features" tab on the left, a table is displayed, listing all of your shop's features. Not all of them pertain to this product: PrestaShop will only take as relevant the features where you actually set a value.

You can either set a value manually, in the field on the far right a feature's row, or you can use one of the pre-defined values (as set when creating the feature) if there are any available.
If no value is available for a feature, the mention "N/A" appears (short for "not available" or "not applicable"), followed by a "Add pre-defined values first" button.

If you choose to use a custom value, do not forget to set it for every language that your shop supports. Use the flag icon to change language.

If there are pre-defined values available, they will appear in a dropdown list. Simply click it and choose the correct value.

Once you have set all the relevant features, save your changes to see them immediately applied in the front-page.

Remember: If a feature does not have any value assigned to it, it will not be taken into account for this product, and will not be visible on your shop.

Managing Customization

PrestaShop makes it possible for your customers to customize the product that they will buy.

Example: You are a jewelry retailer and your customers have the possibility to engrave their jewelry with a text or an image. Your customers can submit the text and/or the image when they place their order.

The advantage of this function is that it offers your customers a personal service, which they will without a doubt appreciate!

Let's look at how to configure this function. In the "Customization" tab on the left, you can indicate what type of context (file and/or text) can be personalized.

  • File Fields. Puts one file upload button on the order page. Each button accepts only one file, so put as many field as you allow your customers to upload.
  • Text Fields. Puts one text field on the order page. You can add as many text fields as necessary.
    Example: If you allow a 5-line text, each line limited to 14 characters, you can add 5 fields, and indicate the number of allowed characters in the field's label. You cannot limit the number of characters in the string.

Once you have added the needed number for each field, click "Save and stay". The page will reload and display as many text fields as necessary. Fill every one of them with the appropriate public label: this will be an indicator for the customer, so be very specific about what you expect.

For instance, if you allow images for a book cover, you could use the following:

  • "Front cover (20.95 x 27.31 cm, color)".
  • "Back cover (20.95 x 27.31 cm, black and white)".
  • "Spine (20.95 x 1.716 cm, color)".

Same for text: if customers can engrave words to a product, you could use the following:

  • "First line (24 chars)".
  • "Second line (24 chars)".
  • "Last line, signature (16 chars)".

Removing fields. If in the end you added too many fields, simply change the number of needed fields for each of the two types and click "Save and stay". The page will reload with the right number of fields, with the first ones preserved.

Once all the label fields have been filled, do not forget to save your changes.

On the customer's side

Once a product has customizable properties set, its front-end product page has a new tab, next to the "More info" tab: "Product customization".

The customer must choose the file(s) and/or add some text and save them before they add the product in the cart.

The custom image(s) and text(s) will appear in the final cart.

The rest of the purchase process is the same as usual.

On the merchant's side

Once the order has been validated by the customer, the merchant gets a notification of the order in the back-office.

He can then check on the order, which will indicate the image(s) and the text(s) in the list of products, for each product. The merchant then simply has to download the image(s) (simply by clicking on the image in the order) or copy/paste the text and use that in its customization tool.

The rest of the order and delivery process is the same as usual.

Managing Attachments

PrestaShop enables you to make some files available to your customers before their purchase. This is done in the "Attachments" tab on the left.

For example, let's say you sell electronics, and you would like to urge your customers to read a document on how a product works. You can upload a document for that purpose.
You could also simply have the product's PDF manual directly available for download right on the product page.

Adding an attachment is really quick:

  1. Fill out the name of your attachment.
  2. Give it a description. This will help you distinguish between your uploaded files with certainty.
  3. Click on "Browse" to select a file on your computer to upload.
  4. Click on "Add attachment file". The attachment is uploaded, and the page reloads, with the attachment appearing in the "Attachments for this product" selector.
  5. Save your product, with either the "Save" button or the "Save and stay" one.

Now the "Download" tab will appear on the product's page (if the theme supports it), and your customers can download the file(s) that you just uploaded.

If you need to remove an attachment, select it in the "Attachments for this product" selector and click on the "<<< Remove" button. The file will be moved to the "Available attachments" selector if you need to set it back online later on.

You can view all of your store's attached files, add some more and remove some, by going to the "Attachments" page under the "Catalog" menu. This also makes it possible to use the attachments that you already uploaded for other files: if you need to apply the associated one file with many products, you will thus only have to upload it once.

Setting the Product's Supplier

Indicating the product's supplier is not really important to your customers (very much less so than its manufacturer in any case). Still, it may turn out to be an essential part of your own internal management, not the least when managing your stock: you simply need to know who you bought the product from. The supplier of the current product is to be set from the "Suppliers" tab on the left.

You cannot use this feature if you do not already have at least one supplier registered in your shop. Suppliers are created from the "Suppliers" page, under the "Catalog" menu.

The complete supplier registration process in explained in details in the next chapter of this guide, "A Look Inside the Catalog".
You can access the creation page directly by clicking on the "Create a supplier" button.

Associating the current product with one or more suppliers is really easy: simply click the box corresponding to the supplier, and save your changes.

If the product is associated with more than one supplier, you can choose which one should be the default one use the radio button on the right.
Note: the "Default" radio buttons are unavailable by default. In order to select them, you must first click the "Save and stay" button" in order to select another supplier as default.

Product reference(s)

The product's supplier page also features a table that enables you to set the precise reference and unit price/currency for each product combination. If the product has more than one supplier, the table only opens the combination tied to the first supplier, the others being closed by default. Click on a supplier's name in order to open its references table, and close the others.

Managing Warehouses (advanced)

Once you have enabled the advanced stock management option (in the "Products" preference page), this new tab gets available for all products, and enables you to indicate in which warehouse the current product is stored.

You cannot use this feature if you do not already have at least one warehouse registered in your shop. Warehouses are created from the "Warehouses" page, under the "Stock" menu.

The complete warehouse registration process in explained in details in another chapter of this guide, "Managing Stock".
You can access it directly by clicking on the "Create new warehouse" button.

The "Warehouses" tab presents you with a table that enables you to set the precise location for each product combination (if any) in each warehouse. If you have registered more than one warehouse, the table only shows the first one by default, the others being closed by default. Click on a warehouse's name in order to open its sub-table, and close the others.

For each warehouse, you can set which combination of the current product is stored, and a text field enables you to indicate precisely where it is stored in that warehouse. You can write anything in that field: "Aisle 5", "Next to the Radiohead albums", "A07 E08 H14", or anything that helps you or your packaging team to find the product as precisely as possible.

Creating a Pack of Products

You may wish to sell a pack of products made of several items. I.e.: a computer start-up pack composed of the computer itself, a monitor, and a printer. PrestaShop makes it easy for you to create a "pack" product and add other products from your catalog to this pack.

Packs enable you to simplify preparing orders. They also allow customers to take advantage of special prices and offers.

You cannot currently add combinations or virtual products to a pack.
If you need to have packs with combinations, you will have to create single products for each combination. This is a known limitation that will be fixed in a coming version of PrestaShop.

You cannot add an existing pack within a new pack, or import the content of an existing pack into a new pack.

The process to create a pack is similar to the one for creating a regular product:

  1. Go to the "Product" page, under the "Catalog" menu.
  2. Click the "Add New" button.
  3. From the "Information" tab on the left, change the product type to "Pack".

A new tab appears on the left, titled "Pack", to which you are redirected as soon as you change the product type. This tab only features two text fields and a button:

  • The first field is used to search for products that are already registered in your shop.
  • The second field is used to indicate the quantity of chosen product should be added to the pack.
  • The button adds the product to the pack.

You can add as many products as you would like to the pack.

You can remove a product from the pack simply by clicking the trashcan icon next to it.

Once you are done with the "Pack" tab, you can edit the content of all the other available tabs as if you would for a regular product.

Creating a Virtual Product

Your shop may feature (partly or exclusively) virtual products – that is, products that are not shipping, but rather downloaded: concert tickets, e-books, real-life services...
PrestaShop makes it easy for you to create a virtual product

The process to do this is similar to the one for creating a simple product:

  • Go to the "Product" page, under the "Catalog" menu.
  • Click the "Add New" button.
  • From the "Information" tab on the left, change the product type to "Virtual Product".

The tabs on the left change:

  • The "Virtual Product" tab appears, to which you will be redirected as soon as you change the product type.
  • The "Shipping product" tab disappears.

The new tab only features one option at first: it asks if the virtual product you are creating has a file attached (i.e., if your customer will pay to download something).

  • If not, leave it at that: you are selling a service, and nothing needs to be downloaded.
  • If yes, click the "Yes" radio button.

When you click "Yes", PrestaShop opens a new form within the tab, from which you can upload the file you intend to sell:

  • Upload a file. Click the "Browse" button to find the file on your hard drive. As soon as you have selected a file, the upload begins.

    The maximum file-upload size setting depends on your server's settings, and cannot be increased from PrestaShop.

    If you have access to your server's php.ini file, these are the values you should change:

    • upload_max_filesize = 20M
    • post_max_size = 20M

    If you do not have access to the php.ini file, contact your web host about this.

    You should compress your file in zip format, in order to avoid the browser misinterpreting .exe or .jpg file formats. Browsers automatically download zip files for the customer, no question asked.

    If you are selling a high resolution image, uploading it using this form does not prevent you from uploading its thumbnail in the "Images" tab on the left.

  • Filename. The name of the file. This field is automatically filled after the file has been uploaded. It is not recommended to change it to another value.
  • Number of allowed downloads. You can set the number of time the file can be downloaded once the customer has bought it. You might prefer to limit this to 1, or 5. If you want to keep it unlimited, set the text field to 0.
  • Expiration date. Virtual files can be of promotional nature, or lose their selling value after a certain date. If so, you can set the expiry date after which the product will not be available on your shop anymore. Leave it blank if there is no expiry date.
  • Number of days. You can set the number of days after which the download link becomes non-functioning. If there is no limit, set the text field to 0.

Once you are done with the "Virtual Product" tab, you can edit all the other available tabs as if you would for a regular product.

  • No labels