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  • Automatic update

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You should never update your online shop right away. The automatic upgrade tool can fail in some situations, and you might not be able to revert to the previous version.

The safest way is to have an exact copy of your shop available, either on your local computer or in another folder of your web server. It should contain all your products, categories, themes, modules, translations, settings, etc.

Make a trial upgrade on that copy of your shop. Once the upgrade is done, browse your front- and back-office thoroughly to make sure that everything is as expected. If not, then the upgrade tool has an issue with your configuration, and you should use the manual upgrade method, which is now deprecated and takes longer, but safer which may help in your situation.

Downloading and installing the 1-Click Upgrade module


  1. Download the 1-Click Upgrade module from PrestaShop Addons: Save the Zip file to your desktop.
  2. In your PrestaShop administration panel, go to the "Modules" page or of the "Modules" menu.
  3. Click on the "Add a module" button, located at the top right of the list of available modules.


    If updating from version 1.4, click on the "Add a module from my computer" link, located at the top left.

  4. In the form that opens, click on the "Browse..." button, then find and select the module's Zip file that you just downloaded.
  5. Click the "Upload this Module" button. PrestaShop will put the module on your server, unzip it, and place the files in the /modules folder.


This process is explained in details in the "Making and restoring your own backup" chapter of this guide:


All these indicators must be green for the upgrade to work. Otherwise, the upgrade button will not appear.


When your store is hosted on your local server (http://localhost or, the auto-upgrade module understands that the maintenance mode is not required, since no one else than you can access the site. Therefore, even if you are not in maintenance mode, the module marks that check as valid.


Start your Upgrade

This section compares your version of PrestaShop with the latest stable one. You can quickly see whether you need to update or not. If you know that there is a newer version available than the one presented, you can trigger a version check by clicking the "Check if new version available" button.


  • Server performance. Some shared hosted offer poor performance, which might hinder the performance of the upgrade process, or even make it fail. "Low" is thus selected by default, but if you know you have a powerful server, you can choose "Medium" or even "High".
  • Disable non-native modules. It is recommended to choose "Yes" for this option, as some module might prove a hindrance when upgrading PrestaShop.
  • Upgrade the "default" theme. The upgrade process overwrites the default theme with its latest incarnation. If you have made changes to the theme directly, you can protect these changes by choosing "YesNo". As a reminder, it is NOT recommended to edit the default theme! You should make a copy of the theme, and make changes to that copy.
  • Upgrade the default e-mails. An update might bring new default e-mail templates. By default, the upgrade will replace the existing ones with the ones from the newer archive, and add the new templates. If you have customized your templates, it is recommended you keep them. You would then have to customize the new templates in order to fit the general style of your shop.
  • Step-by-step mode. PrestaShop 1.5 Dev mode only. If enabled, the module will stop at each step to ask you for confirmation.
  • Display PHP errors. PrestaShop 1.5 Dev mode only. If enabled, the module will displays PHP errors, which could help you discover server issues that would otherwise stay hidden from view.


Is everything working fine? Congratulations, you know have successfully upgraded your PrestaShop installation!


In some server configurations, an error message might be displayed, saying "Javascript error (parseJSON) detected for action "upgradeNow". Starting restoration...".

Follow these steps to solve the error, :

  • Open your php.ini file and enable (uncomment) the MySQLi and MySQL PDO extensions. If you cannot access the php.ini file, contact your web host about this.
  • Open the /modules/autoupgrade/db/Db.php and find these lines (around line 210):

    Code Block
    public static function getClass()
        $class = 'MySQL';
        /*if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50200 && extension_loaded('pdo_mysql'))
            $class = 'DbPDO';
        else if (extension_loaded('mysqli'))
            $class = 'DbMySQLi';*/
        return $class;

    Simply uncomment these lines (remove /* and */). They should now look like this:

    Code Block
    public static function getClass()
        $class = 'MySQL';
        if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50200 && extension_loaded('pdo_mysql'))
            $class = 'DbPDO';
        else if (extension_loaded('mysqli'))
            $class = 'DbMySQLi';
        return $class;

After you have done all this, start the autoupgrade process again.

Going back to the previous version: rollbacks
