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Dajemy Ci możliwość utrzymania Twojego sklepu na naszych serwerach: rozwiązanie PrestaBox zostało stworzone by umożliwić przedsiębiorcom proste i szybkie uruchomienie sklepu, bez konieczności manualnej instalacji czy aktualizacji sklepu. Aby zapoznać się ze szczegółami tej propozycji odwiedź naszą stronę dedykowaną temu przystępnemu i bezpiecznemu rozwiązaniu hostingowemu. Jest to propozycja, którą powinni zwłaszcza rozważyć przedsiębiorcy mniej doświadczeni w kwestiach informatycznych.

Opis PrestaBox znajduje się pod adresem:



Wymagania sprzętowe


PrestaShop is an application which runs on a web server, and is written using the PHP programming language. It stores its data in a MySQL server.

PHP is an open-source programming language, mainly used for web applications. Created in 1995, it has since become the most used programming language by web developers. It uses a C-like syntax, making it easy for developers to learn it.

MySQL is an open-source database management system. Also created in 1995, it has since become the most used database system by web developers. It is based on the SQL language, the most widely used database language.

Whichever hosting service you choose, it must have the following components installed on your web server:

  • System: Unix, Linux or Windows. Unix is highly recommended.
  • Web server: Apache Web server 1.3 or later.
  • PHP 5.2 or later. You may have to activate PHP 5 (ask your hosting provider).
  • MySQL 5.0 or later.
  • At least 64 Mb of RAM on your server (128 Mb is more comfy, the more the better).

PrestaShop can work with PHP 5.1.3 or later, but versions inferior to 5.2 have bugs that might prevent some functionalities to work as expected (such as invalid date time zone).
PrestaShop can also work with Microsoft's IIS Web server 6.0 or later, and nginx 1.0 or later.

More information is available for system administrators in the System Administrators Guide. Make sure to read it!


You will need two tools: a text editor, in order to edit text files, and a FTP client, in order to transfer files from your machine to your server and vice-versa.

Text editor

Here are a few well-known text editors:


Do NOT use a word processor when editing text files, such as Microsoft Word or Write.