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  • SEO & URLs Preferences

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  • Friendly URL. Change this option if you know that your server can support URL rewriting. If not, leave it at "No".


    You may see a message such as "URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server or it is not possible to check your server configuration. If you want to use Friendly URLs you must activate this mod". In this case, PrestaShop cannot detect your server settings, but that does not mean the feature will not work. You must test it yourself.

  • Accented URL. PrestaShop is now able to produce URL with special characters, for products with non ASCII names. You can disable that option here.
  • Automatically redirect Redirect to Canonical URL. Canonical URLs are a way to eliminate self-created duplicate content – which can dramatically bring your search engine rank down, as this is considered spam. To avoid search engines thinking you are spamming their index, PrestaShop uses standard rel="canonical" link tag to indicate which is the one base URL for a given content.
    While it is highly recommended to enable this option, it also depends on your theme actually implementing correctly the <link> header tag. Ask the theme designer for more information.
  • Disable apache multiviews. Apache is the most popular web server, and is most likely the one your web host uses for your site (although you should check this for yourself). Multiviews is a content negotiation system: when enabled, the web server tries to serve the user a page in what it thinks is the best matching language version, under the same URL. Unfortunately, this might bring trouble to PrestaShop's friendly URLs feature. If this is the case, you can try to disable multiviews with this option.
  • Disable apache mod security. mod_security is an Apache server module which acts as a firewall, protecting your server from intrusions. It can however block some key features, or even produce errors in some configuration. In such case, disable that firewall here.


Most of the time, you should not touch these fields without knowing exactly what you are doing. One mistake could break your shop.

Schema of URLs

New in 1.6.

You can change the way friendly URLs are generated, by changing the route to a resource on your shop.

For instance, the default route to display a product's page is {category:/}{id}-{rewrite}{-:ean13}.html, which results in /summer-dresses/7-printed-chiffon-dress.html
You could change that route to {manufacturer:/}{id}-{rewrite:/} to obtain /fashion-manufacturer//7-printed-chiffon-dress/

8 fields are available by default, and each is accompanied with a list of available keywords. Some keywords are mandatory, and are indicated with a *.

Once you have updated your fields, do not forget to save your changes, then on the "Save" button in the "Set up URLs" section in order to regenerate your .htaccess file, which is necessary for your friendly URLs.

Robots file generation

A robots.txt file enables you to block specific automated bots and web spiders which crawl the Web in order to find more web pages to add to their company's servers. Some bots you want to have full access to your website, such as Google's or Yahoo!'s, and some others you would rather not, such as spam bots, content thiefs, e-mail collectors, etc. Note that the worst of bots do not respect this file's directives, as it is purely advisory.
