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  • Creating a PrestaShop module

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  1. Using the Configuration::get() method, we retrieve the value of the currently chosen language ("PS_LANG_DEFAULT"). For security reasons, we cast the variable into an integer using (int).
  2. In preparation for the generation of the form, we must build an array of the various titles, textfields and other form specifics.
    To that end, we create the $fields_form variable, which will contain a multidimensional array. Each of the arrays it features contains the detailed description of the tags the form must contain. From this variable, PrestaShop will render the HTML form as it is described.
    In this example, we define three tags (<legend>, <input> and <submit>) and their attributes using arrays. The format is quite easy to get: the legend and submit arrays simply contain the attributes to each tag, while the input contains as many <input> tags are needneeded, each being in turn arrays an array which contain contains the necessary attributes. For instance:

    Code Block
    'input' => array(
            'type' => 'text',
            'label' => $this->l('Configuration value'),
            'name' => 'MYMODULE_NAME',
            'size' => 20,
            'required' => true

    ...generates the following HTML tags:

    Code Block
    <label>Configuration value </label>
    <div class="margin-form">
      <input id="MYMODULE_NAME" class="" type="text" size="20" value="my friend" name="MYMODULE_NAME">
    <div class="clear"></div>

    As you can see, PrestaShop is quite clever, and generates all the code that is needed to obtain a useful form.
    Note that the value os the main array is actually retrieved later in the form generation code.

  3. We then create an instance of the HelperForm class. This section of the code is explained in the next section of this chapter.
  4. Once the HelperForm settings are all in place, we generate the form based on the content of the $fields_form variable.


Our example uses several of HelperForm's attributes: they need to be set before we generate the form itself from the $fields_form variable .:

  • $helper->module: requires the instance of the module that will use the form.
  • $helper->name_controller: requires the name of the module.
  • $helper->token: requires a unique token for the module. getAdminTokenLite() helps us generate one.
  • $helper->currentIndex:
  • $helper->default_form_language: requires the default language for the shop.
  • $helper->allow_employee_form_lang: requires the default language for the shop.
  • $helper->title: requires the title for the the form.
  • $helper->show_toolbar: requires a boolean – whether the toolbar is displayed or not.
  • $helper->toolbar_scroll: requires a boolean – whether the toolbar is always visible when scrolling or not.
  • $helper->submit_action: requires the action attribute for the form's <submit> tag.
  • $helper->toolbar_btn: requires the buttons that are displayed in the toolbar. In our example, the "Save" button and the "Back" button.
  • $helper->fields_value[]: this is where we can define the value of the named tag.

Finally, after all is set and done, we can call the generateForm() method, which will take care of putting it all together and, as its name says, generate the form that the user will use to configure the module's settings.


Strings in TPL files will need to be turned into dynamic content, which Smarty will replace by the translation for the chosen language. In our sample module, the file mymodule.tpl: file...

Code Block
titlemymodule.tpl (partial)
  <a href="{$base_dir}modules/mymodule/mymodule_page.php" title="Click this link">Click me!</a>
<!-- Block mymodule -->
<div id="mymodule_block_left" class="block">
  <h4>{l s='Welcome!' mod='mymodule'}</h4>
  <div class="block_content">
       {if isset($my_module_name) && $my_module_name}
      <li><a href="{$my_module_link}" title="Click this link">Click me!</a></li>
<!-- /Block mymodule -->	 


titleTranslating complex code

As we can see, the basis of template file translation is to enclose them in the {l s='The string' mod='name_of_the_module'}. The changes in display.tpl and in mymodule.tpl's link and title texts are thus easy to understand. But added a trickier block of code for the "Hello World!" string: an if/else/then clause, and a text variable. Let's explore this code:

Here is the original code:

Code Block
  {if isset($my_module_name) && $my_module_name}

As you can see, we need to get the "Hello World" string translatable, but also to cater for the fact that there is a variable. As explained in the "Translations in PrestaShop 1.5" chapter, variables are to be marked using sprintf() markers, such as %s or %1$s.

Making "Hello %s!" translatable words in easy: we just need to use this code:

Code Block
{l s='Hello %s!' sprintf=$my_module_name mod='mymodule'}

But in our case, we also need to make sure that the %s is replaced by "World" in case the "my_module_name" does not exist... and we must make "World" translatable too. This can be achieved by using Smarty \{capture\} function, which collects the output of the template between the tags into a variable instead of displaying, so that we can use it later on. We are going to use it in order to replace the variable with the translated "World" if the variable is empty or absent, using a temporary variable. Here is the final code:

Code Block
{if !isset($my_module_name) || !$my_module_name}
  {capture name='my_module_tempvar'}{l s='World' mod='mymodule'}{/capture}
  {assign var='my_module_name' value=$smarty.capture.my_module_tempvar}
{l s='Hello %s!' sprintf=$my_module_name mod='mymodule'}


  • go to the "Translations" page under the "Localization" menu,
  • in the "Modify translations" drop-down menu, choose "Module translations",
  • click the flag of the country of which language you want to translate the module into. The destination language must already be installed to enable translation in it.

The page that loads displays all the strings for all the currently-installed modules. Modules that have all their strings already translated have their fieldset closed, whereas if at least one string is missing in a module's translation, its fieldset is expanded.
In order to translate your module's strings (the ones that were "marked" using the l() method), simply find your module in the list (use the browser's in-page search), and fill the empty fields. The destination language must already be installed to enable translation in it.

Once all strings for your module are correctly translated, click on the "Update translation" button at the top.


They are also translated in French when the back-office is in French.



The translated strings can only be taken into account by the PrestaShop tool, the PHP and TPL files have to be located at the root of the module's folder.


If your module does not work as expected, here are a few ways to find help.

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